Glen Mazza wrote:
--- "Peter B. West" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

And now for a little digression on code generation. My own view of code generation by XSLT transformation can be summed up

Why, Peter, you're in disagreement with everyone else
on this issue!  (So what else is new? ;)

Everyone else *here*, I think. I'm sure there are some others out there who agree with me. When they're released, we'll have a get-together.

* the canonical source is the Java code.
* transformations are a tool for developer
* they should be used to generate files which are
then committed like any others.
* transformation is generally a one-off process,
only to be re-used in extremis.

BTW, what is a "one-off process"?

Needed once - for the initial generation of the Java source. From then on, required changes are minimal enough (or general enough) to be handled bu direct manipulation of the Java source.

* it is the developer's responsibility to ensure
that any re-generation does not lose patches to the previously generated
and committed source.

Peter -- Peter B. West <>

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