It's probably not *yet* time to set 1.4 as the JDK to
code against for 1.0, but it probably wouldn't be much
of a disaster if we did so either.

By the time 1.0 is release-ready, 90% will either be
on 1.4 or will be upgrading to 1.4 along with the
upgrade of FOP 0.20.x to 1.0.  The remaining 10% can
linger on 0.20.x for the few extra months they need.  

I'm not inclined to recode it (Finn's code anyway ;),
and Peter has more important things to focus on as
well.  Let's concentrate on making that 90% of users
overjoyed right now--and the other 10% in a few more
months after that.


--- "Peter B. West" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Chris Bowditch wrote:
> > Glen,
> > 
> > Ive just noticed that the PropertySets class uses
> methods on 
> > java.util.bitset that only exist since JDK 1.4.
> Namely:
> > 
> > cardinality
> > nextBitSet
> > 
> > So you can no longer build with 1.3
> > 
> > Chris
> Chris,
> Thanks for pointing this out.  I had not noticed
> when I was using the 
> functionality (and very useful functionality it is.)
> Peter
> -- 
> Peter B. West
> <>

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