Enough time has passed since I cast the three votes for new committers.
I'm a bit disappointed that Clay's vote didn't pass but I guess we need
to give it some time.

Chris passed with 6 +1s, Andreas with 5. No -1s anymore.

So, Chris and Andreas, we need your preferred unix usernames and the
email address you would like to have <uid>@apache.org forwarded to.

At least as important is to immedidately sign the Contributors License
agreement (CLA) and send (or fax) it to the Apache Software Foundation
as fast as possible. I'd send it in paper, even if it takes longer
there's a higher chance of immediate success. You only get the account
if the CLA has been received. Find the CLA here:

As a new committer there are a few things to learn:

Jeremias Maerki

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