On 09.01.2004 18:29:14 Clóvis Wichoski wrote:
> <xsl:template name="ctrlPage"> 
>         <xsl:if test="(position() mod 3) = 0">
>             <xsl:text 
> disable-output-escaping="yes"><![CDATA[</fo:flow></fo:page-sequence><fo:page-sequence
> master-reference="A4" language="pt" country="br">]]></xsl:text>
>             <xsl:call-template name="header"/>
>             <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes"><![CDATA[<fo:flow 
> flow-name="xsl-region-body">]]></xsl:text>
>         </xsl:if>
>      </xsl:template>

The problem is that you put some XML code into a CDATA section.
On-the-fly processing works with SAX. And in SAX your code will be
delivered as text instead of as elements.


> I can't understand because on the fly don't woks and from .fo file 
> generated from xml+xsl transformation work, maybe a bug of FOP, or I 
> can't generate XML elements using CDATA from this form.

The latter.

> I post this in dev list because I think that this is a feature or a bug 
> on FOP then I attached the XSL and XML files that the team can test this 
> issue, and the code is better to read than my bad English ;)

Well, bad luck. Your issue would have been a better fit for fop-user.

Jeremias Maerki

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