--- "Peter B. West" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In HEAD, ///apps/FOFileHAndler.java contains the
> following:
>              factory.setFeature(
> "http://xml.org/sax/features/namespace-prefixes";,
> true);


> That is, I would turn allow the namespace-prefixes
> feature to remain in 
> its default 'false' state, but make sure the parser
> is namespace aware. 
>   I don't know that there is any reason for us to
> collect prefixes, 

This is somewhat outside my knowledge, but one
difference, I believe, between HEAD and Alt-Design is
the former's ability to have user-configured, run-time
add-in element mappings.  (I think we have one for
MathML and another one for something else in our
examples.)  Given that, could that be HEAD's reason
for needing to collect prefixes?


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