Andreas L. Delmelle wrote:
a) The Apache list server has no virus scanner?

The Apache list server has a virus scanner. It just happend that there were apparently at least three and more than 7 new variants of Bagle, MyDoom and NetSky released yesterday within a few hours.

Also, the worms seem to be specifically designed to also get to
subscriber-only lists. This may be a side effect of matching
gathered sender and reciever addresses. Think of the worm
finding saved mails or cached HTML pages of a web archive and
deducing if there's a "To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]" and a "From
[EMAIL PROTECTED]", then foo-list is more likely to open
suspicious attachments if the sender were foo, which unfortunately
also gets mail through to lists.

All lists with some volume I have subscribed to have been
targetted by the worms. This is a novelty. While there had been
worms forwarded to lists by clueless people in the past, this
seems to be the first time a worm managed to get to the
subscription barrier on its own.


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