Nice job, Clay--I'm very happy with the "whole site" PDF in particular.

Jeremias, would you please request write access for Clay now?


Clay Leeds wrote:

I thought you'd like to see a brief update on the FOP web site trials and tribulations. I've uploaded the web portion of the output of a forrest run here:

Of special note:
- Breadcrumb Trail
believe it or not, the breadcrumb is actually working as it is supposed to (yeah!), and we should soon have the problem fixed on our site. It looks funny, because it's in the /webmaestro/xml-fop_site/site/ path (and each dir/ leaves a 'breadcrumb'). This problem can be easily fixed, by merely uploading a new version of the breadcrumb.js file.

- Whole Site HTML
- Whole Site PDF
kinda self-explanatory... :-)

I'm still having issues with 'forrest' BUILD FAILED errors that I keep banging my head against. We're almost there, though (I can almost smell it!). Many of the errors relate to such things as having forrest pass through files untouched (like *.svg), and how to deal with them. I've also had problems with our left-side navigation on the Development, Design & Alt Design tabs. Those problems mainly relate to pages which are linked in multiple tabs (Development & Alt Design tabs each have some "Design" links in there navigation links on the left). It might be easier to re-think that system (which is confusing, and IIRC gave Victor some headaches when he was doing this).

On a somewhat related note, I'd also like to update the FO templates used to create the PDFs for Forrest, as I believe they provide too much margin all around (read extra reams of paper printer when ever printing is initiated). Almost there!

Web Maestro Clay

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