cbowditch    2004/04/02 05:50:52

  Modified:    src/java/org/apache/fop/fo/flow Block.java
  Applied Luca Furini's patch from bugzilla entry 28021.
  Corrections to behaviour of whitespace-treatment property
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.14      +404 -391  xml-fop/src/java/org/apache/fop/fo/flow/Block.java
  Index: Block.java
  RCS file: /home/cvs/xml-fop/src/java/org/apache/fop/fo/flow/Block.java,v
  retrieving revision 1.13
  retrieving revision 1.14
  diff -u -r1.13 -r1.14
  --- Block.java        7 Mar 2004 17:52:43 -0000       1.13
  +++ Block.java        2 Apr 2004 13:50:52 -0000       1.14
  @@ -1,391 +1,404 @@
  - * Copyright 1999-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
  - * 
  - * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  - * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  - * You may obtain a copy of the License at
  - * 
  - *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
  - * 
  - * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  - * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  - * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  - * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  - * limitations under the License.
  - */
  -/* $Id$ */
  -package org.apache.fop.fo.flow;
  -// XML
  -import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
  -// FOP
  -import org.apache.fop.apps.FOPException;
  -import org.apache.fop.datatypes.ColorType;
  -import org.apache.fop.fo.CharIterator;
  -import org.apache.fop.fo.FONode;
  -import org.apache.fop.fo.FObj;
  -import org.apache.fop.fo.FObjMixed;
  -import org.apache.fop.fo.RecursiveCharIterator;
  -import org.apache.fop.fo.FOTreeVisitor;
  -import org.apache.fop.fo.Constants;
  -import org.apache.fop.fo.properties.CommonAccessibility;
  -import org.apache.fop.fo.properties.CommonAural;
  -import org.apache.fop.fo.properties.CommonBackground;
  -import org.apache.fop.fo.properties.CommonBorderAndPadding;
  -import org.apache.fop.fo.properties.CommonHyphenation;
  -import org.apache.fop.fo.properties.CommonMarginBlock;
  -import org.apache.fop.fo.properties.CommonRelativePosition;
  -import org.apache.fop.util.CharUtilities;
  -  Modified by Mark Lillywhite [EMAIL PROTECTED] The changes
  -  here are based on memory profiling and do not change functionality.
  -  Essentially, the Block object had a pointer to a BlockArea object
  -  that it created. The BlockArea was not referenced after the Block
  -  was finished except to determine the size of the BlockArea, however
  -  a reference to the BlockArea was maintained and this caused a lot of
  -  GC problems, and was a major reason for FOP memory leaks. So,
  -  the reference to BlockArea was made local, the required information
  -  is now stored (instead of a reference to the complex BlockArea object)
  -  and it appears that there are a lot of changes in this file, in fact
  -  there are only a few sematic changes; mostly I just got rid of
  -  "this." from blockArea since BlockArea is now local.
  - */
  - /**
  -  * Class modelling the fo:block object. See Sec. 6.5.2 of the XSL-FO Standard.
  -  */
  -public class Block extends FObjMixed {
  -    private int align;
  -    private int alignLast;
  -    private int breakAfter;
  -    private int lineHeight;
  -    private int startIndent;
  -    private int endIndent;
  -    private int spaceBefore;
  -    private int spaceAfter;
  -    private int textIndent;
  -    private int keepWithNext;
  -    private ColorType backgroundColor;
  -    private int blockWidows;
  -    private int blockOrphans;
  -    private String id;
  -    private int span;
  -    private int wsTreatment; //ENUMERATION
  -    private int lfTreatment; //ENUMERATION
  -    private boolean bWScollapse; //true if white-space-collapse=true
  -    // this may be helpful on other FOs too
  -    private boolean anythingLaidOut = false;
  -    /**
  -     * Index of first inline-type FO seen in a sequence.
  -     * Used during FO tree building to do white-space handling.
  -     */
  -    private FONode firstInlineChild = null;
  -    /**
  -     * @param parent FONode that is the parent of this object
  -     */
  -    public Block(FONode parent) {
  -        super(parent);
  -    }
  -    /**
  -     * @see org.apache.fop.fo.FObj#handleAttrs
  -     */
  -    public void handleAttrs(Attributes attlist) throws FOPException {
  -        super.handleAttrs(attlist);
  -        this.span = this.propertyList.get(PR_SPAN).getEnum();
  -        this.wsTreatment =
  -          this.propertyList.get(PR_WHITE_SPACE_TREATMENT).getEnum();
  -        this.bWScollapse =
  -          (this.propertyList.get(PR_WHITE_SPACE_COLLAPSE).getEnum()
  -           == Constants.TRUE);
  -        this.lfTreatment =
  -          this.propertyList.get(PR_LINEFEED_TREATMENT).getEnum();
  -        setupID();
  -        getFOTreeControl().getFOInputHandler().startBlock(this);
  -    }
  -    private void setup() {
  -            // Common Accessibility Properties
  -            CommonAccessibility mAccProps = propMgr.getAccessibilityProps();
  -            // Common Aural Properties
  -            CommonAural mAurProps = propMgr.getAuralProps();
  -            // Common Border, Padding, and Background Properties
  -            CommonBorderAndPadding bap = propMgr.getBorderAndPadding();
  -            CommonBackground bProps = propMgr.getBackgroundProps();
  -            // Common Font Properties
  -            //this.fontState = propMgr.getFontState(area.getFontInfo());
  -            // Common Hyphenation Properties
  -            CommonHyphenation mHyphProps = propMgr.getHyphenationProps();
  -            // Common Margin Properties-Block
  -            CommonMarginBlock mProps = propMgr.getMarginProps();
  -            // Common Relative Position Properties
  -            CommonRelativePosition mRelProps =
  -              propMgr.getRelativePositionProps();
  -            // this.propertyList.get("break-after");
  -            // this.propertyList.get("break-before");
  -            // this.propertyList.get("color");
  -            // this.propertyList.get("text-depth");
  -            // this.propertyList.get("text-altitude");
  -            // this.propertyList.get("hyphenation-keep");
  -            // this.propertyList.get("hyphenation-ladder-count");
  -            setupID();
  -            // this.propertyList.get("keep-together");
  -            // this.propertyList.get("keep-with-next");
  -            // this.propertyList.get("keep-with-previous");
  -            // this.propertyList.get("last-line-end-indent");
  -            // this.propertyList.get("linefeed-treatment");
  -            // this.propertyList.get("line-height");
  -            // this.propertyList.get("line-height-shift-adjustment");
  -            // this.propertyList.get("line-stacking-strategy");
  -            // this.propertyList.get("orphans");
  -            // this.propertyList.get("white-space-treatment");
  -            // this.propertyList.get("span");
  -            // this.propertyList.get("text-align");
  -            // this.propertyList.get("text-align-last");
  -            // this.propertyList.get("text-indent");
  -            // this.propertyList.get("visibility");
  -            // this.propertyList.get("white-space-collapse");
  -            // this.propertyList.get("widows");
  -            // this.propertyList.get("wrap-option");
  -            // this.propertyList.get("z-index");
  -            this.align = this.propertyList.get(PR_TEXT_ALIGN).getEnum();
  -            this.alignLast =
  -              this.propertyList.get(PR_TEXT_ALIGN_LAST).getEnum();
  -            this.breakAfter = this.propertyList.get(PR_BREAK_AFTER).getEnum();
  -            this.lineHeight = this.propertyList.get(
  -                                PR_LINE_HEIGHT).getLength().getValue();
  -            this.startIndent = this.propertyList.get(
  -                                 PR_START_INDENT).getLength().getValue();
  -            this.endIndent = this.propertyList.get(
  -                               PR_END_INDENT).getLength().getValue();
  -            this.spaceBefore = this.propertyList.get(
  -                                 PR_SPACE_BEFORE | 
  -            this.spaceAfter = this.propertyList.get(
  -                                PR_SPACE_AFTER | CP_OPTIMUM).getLength().getValue();
  -            this.textIndent = this.propertyList.get(
  -                                PR_TEXT_INDENT).getLength().getValue();
  -            this.keepWithNext =
  -              this.propertyList.get(PR_KEEP_WITH_NEXT).getEnum();
  -            this.blockWidows =
  -              this.propertyList.get(PR_WIDOWS).getNumber().intValue();
  -            this.blockOrphans =
  -              this.propertyList.get(PR_ORPHANS).getNumber().intValue();
  -    }
  -    /**
  -     * @return true (Block can contain Markers)
  -     */
  -    protected boolean containsMarkers() {
  -        return true;
  -    }
  -    /**
  -     * @return span for this Block, in millipoints (??)
  -     */
  -    public int getSpan() {
  -        return this.span;
  -    }
  -    /**
  -     * @return false (Block cannot generate inline areas)
  -     */
  -    public boolean generatesInlineAreas() {
  -        return false;
  -    }
  -    /**
  -     * @see org.apache.fop.fo.FObj#addChild
  -     */
  -    public void addChild(FONode child) {
  -        // Handle whitespace based on values of properties
  -        // Handle a sequence of inline-producing children in
  -        // one pass
  -        if (child instanceof FObj && ((FObj) child).generatesInlineAreas()) {
  -            if (firstInlineChild == null) {
  -                firstInlineChild = child;
  -            }
  -            // lastInlineChild = children.size();
  -        } else {
  -            // Handle whitespace in preceeding inline areas if any
  -            handleWhiteSpace();
  -        }
  -        super.addChild(child);
  -    }
  -    /**
  -     * @see org.apache.fop.fo.FONode#end
  -     */
  -    public void end() {
  -        handleWhiteSpace();
  -        getFOTreeControl().getFOInputHandler().endBlock(this);
  -    }
  -    private void handleWhiteSpace() {
  -        //getLogger().debug("fo:block: handleWhiteSpace");
  -        if (firstInlineChild != null) {
  -            boolean bInWS = false;
  -            boolean bPrevWasLF = false;
  -            /* bSeenNonWSYet is an indicator used for trimming all leading 
  -               whitespace for the first inline child of the block
  -            */
  -            boolean bSeenNonWSYet = false;
  -            RecursiveCharIterator charIter =
  -              new RecursiveCharIterator(this, firstInlineChild);
  -            LFchecker lfCheck = new LFchecker(charIter);
  -            while (charIter.hasNext()) {
  -                switch (CharUtilities.classOf(charIter.nextChar())) {
  -                    case CharUtilities.XMLWHITESPACE:
  -                        /* Some kind of whitespace character, except linefeed. */
  -                        boolean bIgnore = false;
  -                        switch (wsTreatment) {
  -                            case Constants.IGNORE:
  -                                bIgnore = true;
  -                                break;
  -                            case Constants.IGNORE_IF_BEFORE_LINEFEED:
  -                                bIgnore = lfCheck.nextIsLF();
  -                                break;
  -                            case Constants.IGNORE_IF_SURROUNDING_LINEFEED:
  -                                bIgnore = (bPrevWasLF
  -                                           || lfCheck.nextIsLF());
  -                                break;
  -                            case Constants.IGNORE_IF_AFTER_LINEFEED:
  -                                bIgnore = bPrevWasLF;
  -                                break;
  -                        }
  -                        // Handle ignore
  -                        if (bIgnore) {
  -                            charIter.remove();
  -                        } else if (bWScollapse) {
  -                            if (bInWS || (lfTreatment == Constants.PRESERVE
  -                                        && (bPrevWasLF || lfCheck.nextIsLF()))) {
  -                                charIter.remove();
  -                            } else {
  -                                // this is to retain a single space between words
  -                                bInWS = true;
  -                                // remove the space if no word in block 
  -                                // encountered yet
  -                                if (!bSeenNonWSYet) {
  -                                    charIter.remove();
  -                                }
  -                            }
  -                        }
  -                        break;
  -                    case CharUtilities.LINEFEED:
  -                        /* A linefeed */
  -                        lfCheck.reset();
  -                        bPrevWasLF = true; // for following whitespace
  -                        switch (lfTreatment) {
  -                            case Constants.IGNORE:
  -                                charIter.remove();
  -                                break;
  -                            case Constants.TREAT_AS_SPACE:
  -                                if (bInWS) {
  -                                    // only if bWScollapse=true
  -                                    charIter.remove();
  -                                } else {
  -                                    if (bWScollapse) {
  -                                        bInWS = true;
  -                                        // remove the linefeed if no word in block 
  -                                        // encountered yet
  -                                        if (!bSeenNonWSYet) {
  -                                            charIter.remove();
  -                                        }
  -                                    }
  -                                    charIter.replaceChar('\u0020');
  -                                }
  -                                break;
  -                            case Constants.TREAT_AS_ZERO_WIDTH_SPACE:
  -                                charIter.replaceChar('\u200b');
  -                                // Fall through: this isn't XML whitespace
  -                            case Constants.PRESERVE:
  -                                bInWS = false;
  -                                break;
  -                        }
  -                        break;
  -                    case CharUtilities.EOT:
  -                        // A "boundary" objects such as non-character inline
  -                        // or nested block object was encountered.
  -                        // If any whitespace run in progress, finish it.
  -                        // FALL THROUGH
  -                    case CharUtilities.UCWHITESPACE: // Non XML-whitespace
  -                    case CharUtilities.NONWHITESPACE:
  -                        /* Any other character */
  -                        bInWS = bPrevWasLF = false;
  -                        bSeenNonWSYet = true;
  -                        lfCheck.reset();
  -                        break;
  -                }
  -            }
  -            firstInlineChild = null;
  -        }
  -    }
  -    private static class LFchecker {
  -        private boolean bNextIsLF = false;
  -        private RecursiveCharIterator charIter;
  -        LFchecker(RecursiveCharIterator charIter) {
  -            this.charIter = charIter;
  -        }
  -        boolean nextIsLF() {
  -            if (bNextIsLF == false) {
  -                CharIterator lfIter = charIter.mark();
  -                while (lfIter.hasNext()) {
  -                    char c = lfIter.nextChar();
  -                    if (c == '\n') {
  -                        bNextIsLF = true;
  -                        break;
  -                    } else if (CharUtilities.classOf(c)
  -                            != CharUtilities.XMLWHITESPACE) {
  -                        break;
  -                    }
  -                }
  -            }
  -            return bNextIsLF;
  -        }
  -        void reset() {
  -            bNextIsLF = false;
  -        }
  -    }
  -    /**
  -     * This is a hook for an FOTreeVisitor subclass to be able to access
  -     * this object.
  -     * @param fotv the FOTreeVisitor subclass that can access this object.
  -     * @see org.apache.fop.fo.FOTreeVisitor
  -     */
  -    public void acceptVisitor(FOTreeVisitor fotv) {
  -        fotv.serveBlock(this);
  -    }

  + * Copyright 1999-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.

  + * 

  + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");

  + * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

  + * You may obtain a copy of the License at

  + * 

  + *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

  + * 

  + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

  + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,

  + * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.

  + * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and

  + * limitations under the License.

  + */


  +/* $Id$ */


  +package org.apache.fop.fo.flow;


  +// XML

  +import org.xml.sax.Attributes;


  +// FOP

  +import org.apache.fop.apps.FOPException;

  +import org.apache.fop.datatypes.ColorType;

  +import org.apache.fop.fo.CharIterator;

  +import org.apache.fop.fo.FONode;

  +import org.apache.fop.fo.FObj;

  +import org.apache.fop.fo.FObjMixed;

  +import org.apache.fop.fo.RecursiveCharIterator;

  +import org.apache.fop.fo.FOTreeVisitor;

  +import org.apache.fop.fo.Constants;

  +import org.apache.fop.fo.properties.CommonAccessibility;

  +import org.apache.fop.fo.properties.CommonAural;

  +import org.apache.fop.fo.properties.CommonBackground;

  +import org.apache.fop.fo.properties.CommonBorderAndPadding;

  +import org.apache.fop.fo.properties.CommonHyphenation;

  +import org.apache.fop.fo.properties.CommonMarginBlock;

  +import org.apache.fop.fo.properties.CommonRelativePosition;

  +import org.apache.fop.util.CharUtilities;



  +  Modified by Mark Lillywhite [EMAIL PROTECTED] The changes

  +  here are based on memory profiling and do not change functionality.

  +  Essentially, the Block object had a pointer to a BlockArea object

  +  that it created. The BlockArea was not referenced after the Block

  +  was finished except to determine the size of the BlockArea, however

  +  a reference to the BlockArea was maintained and this caused a lot of

  +  GC problems, and was a major reason for FOP memory leaks. So,

  +  the reference to BlockArea was made local, the required information

  +  is now stored (instead of a reference to the complex BlockArea object)

  +  and it appears that there are a lot of changes in this file, in fact

  +  there are only a few sematic changes; mostly I just got rid of

  +  "this." from blockArea since BlockArea is now local.

  + */

  + /**

  +  * Class modelling the fo:block object. See Sec. 6.5.2 of the XSL-FO Standard.

  +  */

  +public class Block extends FObjMixed {


  +    private int align;

  +    private int alignLast;

  +    private int breakAfter;

  +    private int lineHeight;

  +    private int startIndent;

  +    private int endIndent;

  +    private int spaceBefore;

  +    private int spaceAfter;

  +    private int textIndent;

  +    private int keepWithNext;

  +    private ColorType backgroundColor;

  +    private int blockWidows;

  +    private int blockOrphans;


  +    private String id;

  +    private int span;

  +    private int wsTreatment; //ENUMERATION

  +    private int lfTreatment; //ENUMERATION

  +    private boolean bWScollapse; //true if white-space-collapse=true


  +    // this may be helpful on other FOs too

  +    private boolean anythingLaidOut = false;


  +    /**

  +     * Index of first inline-type FO seen in a sequence.

  +     * Used during FO tree building to do white-space handling.

  +     */

  +    private FONode firstInlineChild = null;


  +    /**

  +     * @param parent FONode that is the parent of this object

  +     */

  +    public Block(FONode parent) {

  +        super(parent);

  +    }


  +    /**

  +     * @see org.apache.fop.fo.FObj#handleAttrs

  +     */

  +    public void handleAttrs(Attributes attlist) throws FOPException {

  +        super.handleAttrs(attlist);

  +        this.span = this.propertyList.get(PR_SPAN).getEnum();

  +        this.wsTreatment =

  +          this.propertyList.get(PR_WHITE_SPACE_TREATMENT).getEnum();

  +        this.bWScollapse =

  +          (this.propertyList.get(PR_WHITE_SPACE_COLLAPSE).getEnum()

  +           == Constants.TRUE);

  +        this.lfTreatment =

  +          this.propertyList.get(PR_LINEFEED_TREATMENT).getEnum();


  +        setupID();


  +        getFOTreeControl().getFOInputHandler().startBlock(this);

  +    }


  +    private void setup() {


  +            // Common Accessibility Properties

  +            CommonAccessibility mAccProps = propMgr.getAccessibilityProps();


  +            // Common Aural Properties

  +            CommonAural mAurProps = propMgr.getAuralProps();


  +            // Common Border, Padding, and Background Properties

  +            CommonBorderAndPadding bap = propMgr.getBorderAndPadding();

  +            CommonBackground bProps = propMgr.getBackgroundProps();


  +            // Common Font Properties

  +            //this.fontState = propMgr.getFontState(area.getFontInfo());


  +            // Common Hyphenation Properties

  +            CommonHyphenation mHyphProps = propMgr.getHyphenationProps();


  +            // Common Margin Properties-Block

  +            CommonMarginBlock mProps = propMgr.getMarginProps();


  +            // Common Relative Position Properties

  +            CommonRelativePosition mRelProps =

  +              propMgr.getRelativePositionProps();


  +            // this.propertyList.get("break-after");

  +            // this.propertyList.get("break-before");

  +            // this.propertyList.get("color");

  +            // this.propertyList.get("text-depth");

  +            // this.propertyList.get("text-altitude");

  +            // this.propertyList.get("hyphenation-keep");

  +            // this.propertyList.get("hyphenation-ladder-count");

  +            setupID();

  +            // this.propertyList.get("keep-together");

  +            // this.propertyList.get("keep-with-next");

  +            // this.propertyList.get("keep-with-previous");

  +            // this.propertyList.get("last-line-end-indent");

  +            // this.propertyList.get("linefeed-treatment");

  +            // this.propertyList.get("line-height");

  +            // this.propertyList.get("line-height-shift-adjustment");

  +            // this.propertyList.get("line-stacking-strategy");

  +            // this.propertyList.get("orphans");

  +            // this.propertyList.get("white-space-treatment");

  +            // this.propertyList.get("span");

  +            // this.propertyList.get("text-align");

  +            // this.propertyList.get("text-align-last");

  +            // this.propertyList.get("text-indent");

  +            // this.propertyList.get("visibility");

  +            // this.propertyList.get("white-space-collapse");

  +            // this.propertyList.get("widows");

  +            // this.propertyList.get("wrap-option");

  +            // this.propertyList.get("z-index");


  +            this.align = this.propertyList.get(PR_TEXT_ALIGN).getEnum();

  +            this.alignLast =

  +              this.propertyList.get(PR_TEXT_ALIGN_LAST).getEnum();

  +            this.breakAfter = this.propertyList.get(PR_BREAK_AFTER).getEnum();

  +            this.lineHeight = this.propertyList.get(

  +                                PR_LINE_HEIGHT).getLength().getValue();

  +            this.startIndent = this.propertyList.get(

  +                                 PR_START_INDENT).getLength().getValue();

  +            this.endIndent = this.propertyList.get(

  +                               PR_END_INDENT).getLength().getValue();

  +            this.spaceBefore = this.propertyList.get(

  +                                 PR_SPACE_BEFORE | 

  +            this.spaceAfter = this.propertyList.get(

  +                                PR_SPACE_AFTER | CP_OPTIMUM).getLength().getValue();

  +            this.textIndent = this.propertyList.get(

  +                                PR_TEXT_INDENT).getLength().getValue();

  +            this.keepWithNext =

  +              this.propertyList.get(PR_KEEP_WITH_NEXT).getEnum();


  +            this.blockWidows =

  +              this.propertyList.get(PR_WIDOWS).getNumber().intValue();

  +            this.blockOrphans =

  +              this.propertyList.get(PR_ORPHANS).getNumber().intValue();


  +    }


  +    /**

  +     * @return true (Block can contain Markers)

  +     */

  +    protected boolean containsMarkers() {

  +        return true;

  +    }


  +    /**

  +     * @return span for this Block, in millipoints (??)

  +     */

  +    public int getSpan() {

  +        return this.span;

  +    }


  +    /**

  +     * @return false (Block cannot generate inline areas)

  +     */

  +    public boolean generatesInlineAreas() {

  +        return false;

  +    }


  +    /**

  +     * @see org.apache.fop.fo.FObj#addChild

  +     */

  +    public void addChild(FONode child) {

  +        // Handle whitespace based on values of properties

  +        // Handle a sequence of inline-producing children in

  +        // one pass

  +        if (child instanceof FObj && ((FObj) child).generatesInlineAreas()) {

  +            if (firstInlineChild == null) {

  +                firstInlineChild = child;

  +            }

  +            // lastInlineChild = children.size();

  +        } else {

  +            // Handle whitespace in preceeding inline areas if any

  +            handleWhiteSpace();

  +        }

  +        super.addChild(child);

  +    }


  +    /**

  +     * @see org.apache.fop.fo.FONode#end

  +     */

  +    public void end() {

  +        handleWhiteSpace();

  +        getFOTreeControl().getFOInputHandler().endBlock(this);

  +    }


  +    private void handleWhiteSpace() {

  +        //getLogger().debug("fo:block: handleWhiteSpace");

  +        if (firstInlineChild != null) {

  +            boolean bInWS = false;

  +            boolean bPrevWasLF = false;


  +            /* bSeenNonWSYet is an indicator used for trimming all leading 

  +               whitespace for the first inline child of the block

  +            */

  +            boolean bSeenNonWSYet = false;

  +            RecursiveCharIterator charIter =

  +              new RecursiveCharIterator(this, firstInlineChild);

  +            LFchecker lfCheck = new LFchecker(charIter);


  +            while (charIter.hasNext()) {

  +                char currentChar = charIter.nextChar();

  +                switch (CharUtilities.classOf(currentChar)) {

  +                    case CharUtilities.XMLWHITESPACE:

  +                        /* Some kind of whitespace character, except linefeed. */

  +                        boolean bIgnore = false;


  +                        switch (wsTreatment) {

  +                            case Constants.IGNORE:

  +                                bIgnore = true;

  +                                break;

  +                            case Constants.IGNORE_IF_BEFORE_LINEFEED:

  +                                bIgnore = lfCheck.nextIsLF();

  +                                break;

  +                            case Constants.IGNORE_IF_SURROUNDING_LINEFEED:

  +                                bIgnore = (bPrevWasLF

  +                                           || lfCheck.nextIsLF());

  +                                break;

  +                            case Constants.IGNORE_IF_AFTER_LINEFEED:

  +                                bIgnore = bPrevWasLF;

  +                                break;

  +                            case Constants.PRESERVE:

  +                                // nothing to do now, replacement takes place later

  +                                break;

  +                        }

  +                        // Handle ignore and replacement

  +                        if (bIgnore) {

  +                            charIter.remove();

  +                        } else if (bWScollapse) {

  +                            if (bInWS || (lfTreatment == Constants.PRESERVE

  +                                        && (bPrevWasLF || lfCheck.nextIsLF()))) {

  +                                charIter.remove();

  +                            } else {

  +                                // this is to retain a single space between words

  +                                bInWS = true;

  +                                // remove the space if no word in block 

  +                                // encountered yet

  +                                if (!bSeenNonWSYet) {

  +                                    charIter.remove();

  +                                } else {

  +                                    if (currentChar != '\u0020') {

  +                                        charIter.replaceChar('\u0020');

  +                                    }

  +                                }

  +                            }

  +                        } else {

  +                            // !bWScollapse

  +                            if (currentChar != '\u0020') {

  +                                charIter.replaceChar('\u0020');

  +                            }

  +                        }

  +                        break;


  +                    case CharUtilities.LINEFEED:

  +                        /* A linefeed */

  +                        lfCheck.reset();

  +                        bPrevWasLF = true; // for following whitespace


  +                        switch (lfTreatment) {

  +                            case Constants.IGNORE:

  +                                charIter.remove();

  +                                break;

  +                            case Constants.TREAT_AS_SPACE:

  +                                if (bInWS) {

  +                                    // only if bWScollapse=true

  +                                    charIter.remove();

  +                                } else {

  +                                    if (bWScollapse) {

  +                                        bInWS = true;

  +                                        // remove the linefeed if no word in block 

  +                                        // encountered yet

  +                                        if (!bSeenNonWSYet) {

  +                                            charIter.remove();

  +                                        }

  +                                    }

  +                                    charIter.replaceChar('\u0020');

  +                                }

  +                                break;

  +                            case Constants.TREAT_AS_ZERO_WIDTH_SPACE:

  +                                charIter.replaceChar('\u200b');

  +                                // Fall through: this isn't XML whitespace

  +                            case Constants.PRESERVE:

  +                                bInWS = false;

  +                                break;

  +                        }

  +                        break;


  +                    case CharUtilities.EOT:

  +                        // A "boundary" objects such as non-character inline

  +                        // or nested block object was encountered.

  +                        // If any whitespace run in progress, finish it.

  +                        // FALL THROUGH


  +                    case CharUtilities.UCWHITESPACE: // Non XML-whitespace

  +                    case CharUtilities.NONWHITESPACE:

  +                        /* Any other character */

  +                        bInWS = bPrevWasLF = false;

  +                        bSeenNonWSYet = true;

  +                        lfCheck.reset();

  +                        break;

  +                }

  +            }

  +            firstInlineChild = null;

  +        }

  +    }


  +    private static class LFchecker {

  +        private boolean bNextIsLF = false;

  +        private RecursiveCharIterator charIter;


  +        LFchecker(RecursiveCharIterator charIter) {

  +            this.charIter = charIter;

  +        }


  +        boolean nextIsLF() {

  +            if (bNextIsLF == false) {

  +                CharIterator lfIter = charIter.mark();

  +                while (lfIter.hasNext()) {

  +                    char c = lfIter.nextChar();

  +                    if (c == '\n') {

  +                        bNextIsLF = true;

  +                        break;

  +                    } else if (CharUtilities.classOf(c)

  +                            != CharUtilities.XMLWHITESPACE) {

  +                        break;

  +                    }

  +                }

  +            }

  +            return bNextIsLF;

  +        }


  +        void reset() {

  +            bNextIsLF = false;

  +        }

  +    }


  +    /**

  +     * This is a hook for an FOTreeVisitor subclass to be able to access

  +     * this object.

  +     * @param fotv the FOTreeVisitor subclass that can access this object.

  +     * @see org.apache.fop.fo.FOTreeVisitor

  +     */

  +    public void acceptVisitor(FOTreeVisitor fotv) {

  +        fotv.serveBlock(this);

  +    }




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