On Tue, May 18, 2004 at 09:16:23AM +0100, Chris Bowditch wrote:
> Victor Mote wrote:
> >Dear FOP Developers:
> Hi Victor - welcome back. I was saddened by your decision to leave FOP.
> >After considering a return to FOP development, and briefly discussing the
> >pros and cons with those whom I consider to be the FOP development leaders,
> >I have decided to partially fork FOP into a sourceforge project called
> >FOray:
> >http://foray.sourceforge.net/
> Ive taken a look and it all seems to make sense.

I agree.

Goal 1. provide a place where enhancements can continue to be made to
the working branch of FOP.

I sympathize with this goal. The position of the FOP team over the
past years w.r.t. the maintenance code is rather strict. It sort of
disallows commits to the maintenance branch, even if non-team members
come up with a patch. In view of the long time it takes to release a
usable version of the development code, it may be wiser to relax this
policy, and cooperate on improvements to the maintenance code.
2. modularize FOP's design

> I do understand why you have decided to start FOray. Although 
> modularisation is a nice feature, I dont see it as a key goal for FOP. 
> FOP's primary objective is to achieve a working layout. The main things 
> needed to achieve this are listed here:
> http://xml.apache.org/fop/design/layout.html#status

I sympathize with this goal as well. I realize that that is not quite
in line with my reaction to Glen's recent patch. I agree with Chris
and Glen that it is not currently a key goal for FOP. And since we do
not have a strong proponent and architect of a modular design, there
is little point in leaving bits and pieces in the code. But in the
longer run, I consider putting the FOP code in a modular structure as
a desirable thing.

Meanwhile I will keep adding my small contribution to the layout
system of the development code.

Regards, Simon

Simon Pepping
home page: http://www.leverkruid.nl

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