On May 23, 2004, at 5:32 PM, Victor Mote wrote:
Glen Mazza wrote:
(Far from being an expert on fonts, but commenting anyway... ;)

Ahem... possibly even farther from being an expert on fonts... and commenting anyway ;-)

(mildly OT: BTW, nice to have you 'back' [EMAIL PROTECTED] hope to/glad we'll be hearing more from you in the future...)

Peter B. West wrote:
I have been exploring the way fonts are handled by Java as
part of setting up a Java layout engine and renderer.  I have
committed a new class - org.apache.fop.render.awt.fonts - as
a first cut at a fonts database for this application.  I will
attach the class description to this email.

The last time I checked, there was no way to get to the physical font file
through the awt interface. It is possible that java.awt.font.OpenType can
provide some or all of what is needed for TTF and OT fonts, but I don't know
of a way to handle Type1 embedding at all. This means that you cannot ever
embed the said font, unless you set up a parallel system (similar to the way
FOP handles things now) to find the physical file. Another issue is headless
environments. I once went down the path of trying to figure out how to
register fonts in a headless environment, and frankly don't remember what I
learned. It is probably possible.

On the subject of running headless, my experience has been to pass it off to POSTSCRIPT--which, again in my experience--runs fine headless. Perhaps something can be 'learned' from that interaction? Maybe instead of basing the implementation on AWT, it might make sense to base it instead off of POSTSCRIPT. Alternatively, perhaps Type1 might 'require' postscript? Dunno... just a thought...

Web Maestro Clay

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