On Thu, Aug 12, 2004 at 12:27:38PM +0200, Luca Furini wrote:
> The point is that the XSL recommendation states that the default
> word-spacing value is "normal", meaning "The normal inter-word space, as
> defined by the current font and/or the UserAgent", not zero.
> At the moment, the SpaceVal variable in the TextInfo object used by the TLM
> has
>      .getSpace().min == .getSpace().max == 0
> even if the word-spacing property was not set in the fo document.
> So, the right question is: how can the TLM see if the word-spacing property
> value is "normal"?

TextInfo derives that value from the value of the word-spacing

That must be an error in the property handling by FOP. In
FOPropertyMapping 0pt is used as the default value. Apparently
"normal" should be the default value. I am not sure how this can be
done for a space property. Something similar happens for length
properties, which can have the default value "auto". I think "normal"
should be a keyword. Apparently, the actual value can only be
calculated at layout time, when the font is known.


Simon Pepping
home page: http://www.leverkruid.nl

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