Finn Bock wrote:

(starting from the second question)
> And why not adjust the spacing within the user specified min/max for
> START and END alignment?

Should the user desire adjusted spaces, wouldn't it be better for him to
specify justified alignment? :-)
Seriously, the recommendation (at 7.16.2 "letter-spacing" and 7.16.8
"word-spacing") states that these spaces "may also be influenced by
justification", but says nothing about start and end alignments.

> I'm still not sure why it would be ok to ignore any user specified
> min and max values of 'word-spacing' during START and END alignment.
> If a user specifies a length range, what would the reason be for not
> using it? Perhaps with additional DEFAULT_SPACE_WIDTH.

When alignment is start or end, each space has always its .optimum width,
so there is no need to look at the .minimum and .maximum: the user most
preferred value is already used.
But the knuth algorithm would not work if there were no elements with
adjustable width (glue with stretchability and/or shrinkability); the
actual value used is not very relevant, because the computed adjustment
ratio will not be applied.

> Ok, performance is indeed a fine reason, but IMHO such quality vs.
> speed tradeoffs should eventually be made by the user rather than us.

Simon told the same:

# Note that in TeX such thresholds are user-adjustable parameters. I
# think they should eventually be so in FOP too, for those of us who
# have the most exquisite taste of line layout.

and I think it's a good idea; the algorithm should:

 1 find breaking points without hyphenation
 2 hyphenate
 3 find breaking points with hyphenation
 4 decide which ones are "better"

and point #4 uses the user-definable threshold; where should this constant
be stored? Inside the code of LineLM or in a configuration file?


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