--- Jeremias Maerki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Team,
> I'm going to implement background images as one of
> my next steps. 


> I
> found that even in 1.1 WD there's no way to scale
> the background image.

Jeremias, please do another scan first of the 1.1
document--thankfully it's all in one HTML file--search
for both "scale" and "scaling" throughout to (1) make
sure that is the case (there appear to be some new
properties and even formatting objects related to
scaling), and (2) to see if there is any scaling logic
that you're contemplating that may be applicable in
other areas as well.

Next, you may wish to check the AntennaHouse and
RenderX extension element/attribute list.  There may
be something you can learn there about background
scaling, also when you send emails to the xsl-editors
list saying "[insert commercial company here] already
does this", etc., it will carry more weight.

> Should we skip that or should we define our own
> properties? 

I don't care either way.  Although I don't understand
why the specification doesn't already handle
background image scaling.  Something is rotten in the
State of Denmark here--this would seem to be a common

> Maybe Glen
> wants to talk to the WG about that.

Would be delighted.  But imaging issues are beyond my
scope, and it's about time the WG learn more about you
as well.  Please do so, also mention that you're from
FOP as well please.  (Not that you need my

(This is gonna be great--with both of us sending
comments to the W3C, we can use a good-cop/bad-cop
technique to persuade them.  Guess which role I want
to play? ;)


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