Hello--three questions:

Is anyone using the get/setLogger() methods within
TestConverter?  (It is coded to use a SimpleLog by
default.)  I think these two methods are holdovers
from when we switched from the Avalon Logger--which
needed these methods--to the Commons Logger--which

Also, is the tools.anttasks.Compare class ready for
the CVS attic now?--I don't see it anywhere in use.

Also Java question here (probably Jeremias would
know):  Why in anttasks.RunTest.runConverter() do we
use Class.forName() & .newInstance(), etc., to
activate an instance of TestConverter rather than just
"hard-code" a TestConverter instance instead?  (We
also do this in runReference() for Fop itself--I don't
why things are done this way though.)


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