> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jeremias Maerki [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

> ...Anyway, maybe I should ask the question in a different way:
> Given a block-container where the BPD is specified, are its children
> subject to column/page breaking if the whole block-container doesn't fit
> into the available area in BP direction?

So the question is, given an input like

fo:block-container b-p-d="5"
    block A, with b-p-d of max. 3 (specified/calculated?)
    block B, with b-p-d of max. 2 (specified/calculated?)

What should happen when the block-container as a whole doesn't fit on the
page, and the area for block A is too small to fill up all of the remaining
space (say, a remaining space of 4 units)? A space of at least one unit will
be carried over to the next page, but...
Should block B be split in two areas of one unit, or should the break occur
before the single area (2 units) for block B?
And what should happen with the space remaining after area A is added, and B
as a whole shifts to the next page?

> [Victor:]

> My reading of the passage cited is that, while it may be
> possible for there to be more than one immediate child viewport,
> each of the immediate child viewports fits into exactly one
> rectangle on one page, ... Now, if by "children" you are
> referring to (for example) a block object that is inside
> the block-container, then yes, that block could generate
> areas that are inside more than one of the immediate child
> viewport(s). In other words, the contents of the block-
> container could flow from one viewport area to another,
> but each viewport area itself must remain in one piece.

I very much agree with this assessment. It seems the answer lies in the fact
a. either the second block is split over the two child viewports
b. or it is moved as a whole to the child viewport on the next page

In either case it seems to make little sense to speak of 'remaining space'
as in 'the space not allocated by descendant FOs inside the b-c', unless you
mean the space remaining on the _page_ after the first child viewport for
the b-c is added. The sum of the b-p-d of the two child viewports will be
five units, period.
In that case, the space of one unit could still play a role in the layout of
the nearest ancestor reference-area --may be the area generated by the
immediate parent FO, but could also be the current-page area.
In that context, the question of what to do with that extra space suddenly
becomes meaningful, but it may lead one to look for pointers in other places




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