Working on lists, I found a couple of paragraphs in the recommendation
whose meaning is not fully clear to me.

Section 6.8.3. (fo:list-item) states that:
  "the block-progression-dimension of the content-rectangle of an area
generated by the fo:list-item is just large enough so that the
allocation-rectangles of all its child areas are contained in it. In
particular, the space-before and space-after of the child areas have no
effect on the spacing of the list item."

As fo:list-item-label and fo:list-item-body do not generate any area
(6.8.4. and 6.8.5.), "child areas" should mean those created by the block
content of label and body.

Should all spaces before and after these block be ignored, or only the
space before the first one and the space after the last one?

A simple example:


      <fo:block>block 1</fo:block>
      <fo:block>block 2</fo:block>

      <fo:block>block 3</fo:block>
      <fo:block>block 4</fo:block>
      <fo:block>block 5</fo:block>


If every block had space-before and space-after > 0, should all of these
spaces be ignored or only the spaces before block 1 and 3 and spaces after
2 and 5?

Another doubt: section 7.13.8. (relative-align) states that if the value
is 'baseline'
  "the distance between the baseline of the first line-area of the first
area descendant generated by the fo:list-item-label is the same as the
distance between the baseline of the first linearea of the first area
descendant generated by the fo:list-item-body."

If both label and body generate several lines, and there is a page break
that separates both label areas and body areas, should this property apply
to the first lines in the new page too?

I would say no, but I'm quite unsure.


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