Hello, i am integrating fop inside a web appilcation.
However, while testing it embeded, i run into classnotfud exception.
After a bit of searching , i found i had to integrate avalon-framework-4.1.5 
library in project. Yes i know it is stated your loggin depends on avalon, 
but there is a bunch of avalon related libraries under the ibiblio maven 
repository and tok several try to find the good one.
Now am facing the same problem with batik dependency. Unfortunately, batik is 
exploded in countless packages and i doubt i need all of them.

So my question is,
is there a list of the dependencies in the form 'name of library, version' so 
i don't put too much libraries inside my application and i don't miss 
important ones?

For now am walking blindly in the darkness, reacting to every class not found 
exception on a seek the jar and add it basis.

As fop is available as a maven library, this would be a good idea to add some 
explanations on it's dependecies somewhere, or at least put a pom.

David Delbecq
Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium

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