I am afraid I just followed your interpretation. I will try to read
the spec more independently and more critically.

Regards, Simon

On Tue, May 03, 2005 at 03:14:50PM +0200, Jeremias Maerki wrote:
> I've just realized I probably made a big mistake interpreting collapsing
> border model. While going through the specs to reread everything about
> the outer table border I carefully reread the following passages:
> XSL-FO 1.0, 6.7.2, Trait Derivation:
> "If the value of the "border-collapse" property is "collapse" or
> "collapse-with-precedence" the border is determined, for each segment,
> at the cell level."
> So far I've based everything on being determined, for each segment, at
> the segment level as it seems. I even had the part about "cell level"
> highlighted in my print-out and still got it wrong. Damn me!
> But I think I know why I got it wrong:
> XSL-FO 1.0, 6.7.10, Trait Derivation:
> "If the value of the border-collapse trait is "collapse", the border for
> each side of the cell is determined by, for each segment of a border,
> selecting, from all border specifications for that segment, the border
> that has the most "eye catching" border style..."
> Obviously sounded too much like a per-segment thing.
> Under the new light, this means a totally different thing. Looking at my
> (buggy) example [1] this means that the segment where the arrow points
> should actually be the same broad red border as the one next to it on
> the right side.
> That also means that it's making the whole border resolution a lot more
> complicated. If you started with the upper left cell and tried to
> determine the after border you can end up taking the after border
> specification from the cell on the right side of the cell. I'll have to
> think about how to implement this in an efficient way, first.
> But before I turn everything upside-down again, can please someone
> confirm that I was really wrong before and got it right now? Thanks a
> lot.
> [1] http://wiki.apache.org/xmlgraphics-fop/CollapsingBorderModel
> Jeremias Maerki
> PS: Can someone please beat me?

Simon Pepping
home page: http://www.leverkruid.nl

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