On 14.06.2005 23:27:44 J.Pietschmann wrote:
> Jeremias Maerki wrote:
> > Relying on static
> > variables in the case of logging is not necessarily bad.
> *cough* This depends on whether a single logger for all threads
> is not necessarily bad. I personally would probably prefer the
> possibility to direct logging for different threads into different
> destinations.

Me too, if you read everything I wrote. And you can strike the "probably"
for me. That statement was pretty general. That's why I talked about an
application-specific interface for special logging and notification
purposes. You could place the instance in a thread-local. Probably not
all logging needs to be per processing run. But some applications will
want specific and ideally parseable info back.

Jeremias Maerki

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