On Tue, Jun 14, 2005 at 10:33:10AM +0200, Jeremias Maerki wrote:
> > I welcome any additional thoughts/comments. Now starting to work...
> I wish you had asked before diving into this. Before FOray-Font can be
> integrated with FOP we need to have a vote on this among the committers
> and frankly, I'm sure such a thing will cost a lot of energy. I'm not
> going to push in that direction without any hint of support from at
> least two other committers around here. I hope we will get more opinions.

I am catching up on my email, and reading this thread several days
after the fact. I did not see a reaction to Jeremias' above request.

In general I am all for sharing an implementation of a piece of
functionality that can be accessed via an agreed interface. Font
services are really a good candidate. I have not studied FOray-Font,
but I follow Jeremias' judgement on this that it is better than what
we have now. Therefore I am in favour of using FOray-Font for
satisfying FOP's font requirements.

As long as FOray-Font is released under the Apache license, I believe
that FOP should not have a problem with it, even if FOP would not have
any control over it, as long as the implementation satisfies us. As
soon as it does not, the license allows us to take a snapshot of the
sources and go our own way. That is how I understand open source and
the Apache license. I do not quite understand why we would need a
grant. But even if so, Victor is willing to give one.

That is my stand point. If this were a vote, my vote would be +1.

Regards, Simon

Simon Pepping
home page: http://www.leverkruid.nl

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