Jeremias Maerki wrote:

> Well, for XML Files this is not a big problem usually, but 
> for Java files it usually is. But for text files in general, 
> native EOLs make life easier for certain people. Furthermore, 
> I don't see any such conventions documented (which doesn't 
> mean there's no project standard):
> Within the ASF in general I see a wide-spread use of the "native"
> setting.

SVN handles this whole area better than CVS. According to the official doc
(several versions available at:

"Note that Subversion actually stores the files in the repository using
normalized LF EOL markers regardless of the operating system. This is
basically transparent to the user, though."

IOW, regardless of what operating system you run on, the line endings in the
repository will always get converted to LF, automatically. The svn:eol-style
affects only the checked-out version on the client. And, because the
properties are stored in the repository, it affects the line-endings for all
clients. The default value of "native" is almost always the safest way to
go. However, I do set my shell-scripts to "LF" because I usually use a
Windows client to get them, but actually run them on a Linux box. Probably
would be a good idea to set DOS batch files/scripts to "CRLF" for the same
reason. But most other things are probably best left "native".


Victor Mote

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