(comments inline)

On 24.08.2005 09:10:26 Finn Bock wrote:
> [Jeremias Maerki]
> >>Looks like you made a thorough analysis. What I read made sense to me
> >>although I didn't check everything to the last character. Providing
> >>the Context interface through the LayoutContext didn't occur to me
> >>and I don't know if it's the right way, but if it just clicks in
> >>there without much hassle then it's probably a good idea. I'd have
> >>implemented the Context as an inner class to the LMs but then I
> >>haven't investigated this so thoroughly as you just did. I simply
> >>stumbled over it back in January and what I wrote there was simply
> >>what was occuring to me at the time (having been a newbie to the
> >>layout engine, too, back then).
> >>
> >>So. I believe you're on the right course. Your approach seems to be
> >>fine-grained enough to handle every case and still limit the
> >>additional code to where it is needed. 
> [Manuel Mall]
> > I have been working on this for the last couple of days and I am not so 
> > sure any more about the 'being on the right course' bit. So this is a 
> > bit of a cry for feedback. I will try to outline the issues.
> > 
> > Most percentages are being resolved in the same way: Find the 
> > appropriate ancestor area and get the relevant dimension from it. That 
> > sounds very simple. The current system solves this by a) using the fo 
> > tree to navigate upwards until an appropriate fo is found which 
> > generates the type of area we are looking for and b) by the layout 
> > managers to attach dimension information to the fos. The reason we are 
> > looking for a redesign is that this doesn't appear to be the right way 
> > to attach layout information to the fos. The current system is also not 
> > complete in its implementation but that is a different issue.
> > 
> > The alternative proposed is to use a context which is created by the 
> > layout managers and passed to the property resolution system, i.e. the 
> > getValue() call. Sounds good so far as the layout managers have access 
> > to the dimension information, actually in my code in the moment the 
> > layout managers are the context, that is they implement the interface I 
> > have defined for the context. But we still need to move up some form of 
> > tree or list to find ancestors. The obvious choice would be the area 
> > tree but that doesn't work as in many cases when we need a resolved 
> > property value the areas (as objects in fop) haven't been created yet. 
> > Also the areas are not linked back upwards in the tree although a 
> > parent pointer could be introduced for that purpose. So, if we can't 
> > use the area tree and don't want to use the fo tree what then? The next 
> > thing coming to mind is the layout managers as they form a tree 
> > structure as well. They even have a parent pointer. So, to find the 
> > dimensions we are looking for we navigate up the parent links of the 
> > layout managers until we find one which generates what we are looking 
> > for and get the dimensions from it. 
> That is a very good summary of the issue. Thank you.

I agree.

I'd be very careful about depending on the area tree for getting values.
First, we need to make sure we don't create additional memory problems.
I also don't think that the area tree is the right place to get such
values from. Furthermore, I can already predict that there will be a
discussion about some changes in the area tree for the creation of an
intermediate format (basically re-parseable XML representation of the
area tree but probably with some changes in the approach). I can't tell
yet, how this will look and what the effects will be on the area tree. More
on that at an appropriate time. 

> > But, the parent link is not set 
> > consistently and sometimes late. There is for example the case where a 
> > layout manager in its constructor accesses a property value. To be able 
> > to resolve it would need to know its parent layout manager which isn't 
> > set yet. The fix for that is to carry the parent layout manager into 
> > all layout manager constructors.
> Or delay all calls to Length.getValue(..) until after the layout manager 
> tree is completed and the dimensions are available. So the 
> initialization is allowed to store Lengths but only during 
> getNextKnuthElement() is it allowed to extract the int values from the 
> Lengths.

I agree with Finn here. These values should only be resolved when the
layout engine has actually started its work, not already while the LM
tree is being built.

> > This is where my problem is. We have a system now which is simple 
> > (attach dimension information to the fo tree) and we are replacing it 
> > with something that changes many internal interfaces, virtually 
> > hundreds of method calls by adding extra parameters, and still does the 
> > same thing. 
> Which is exactly why I didn't complete the work at the time.
> > Navigate up a tree structure (and I am not 100% sure that 
> > navigating up the layout manager tree really is the right thing to do) 
> > to find a suitable node and get the appropriate values from that node.
> The information obviously belong in either the LM tree or in the Area 
> tree. So it is the right thing IMO to move it out of the fo tree.

I believe that the LM tree is the right place. I'd really be careful
about the area tree.

I hope that helps a bit. Have a quick recovery from your cold!

Jeremias Maerki

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