Just an update to let you know I should have something ready to show you this week-end.

Patrick Paul

Jeremias Maerki wrote:

Ok, so let's try to come up with a list. I see:

The whole "Using FOP section"
- compiling.xml
- configuration.xml
- running.xml
- embedding.xml
- servlets.xml
- anttask.xml

then most of "Features":
- output.xml
- pdfencryption.xml
- graphics.xml
- fonts.xml
- hyphenation.xml
- extensions.xml

The only item left out is this last section was compliance.xml which
contains information for both versions. I'm not sure what to do with it.

On 29.08.2005 00:10:31 Patrick Paul wrote:
Now I have to determine what goes in the 2 newly created tabs. ;-)

Jeremias Maerki

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