On Thu, 1 Sep 2005 10:13 pm, Jeremias Maerki wrote:
> This is definitely wrong, you're right. I know how that got through
> the tests: The checks are insufficient. The stuff that is checked is
> definitely ok. But bpd/ipd are not checked. That's the problem.
Thanks - I'll fix the problem and the test.

> On 01.09.2005 15:53:46 Manuel Mall wrote:
> > I think the area tree viewport generated by the current version for
> > an e-g with padding and borders is wrong.
> >
> > Here is the fo snippet (from external-graphic_border_padding.xml):
> >
> > <fo:external-graphic
> >   src="../../resources/images/bgimg300dpi.jpg"
> >   border="solid 5pt" padding="5pt" background-color="white"
> > />
> >
> > and this is the generated viewport:
> >
> > <viewport background="color=#ffffff" bap="10000 10000 10000 10000"
> >    border-after="(solid,#000000,5000)"
> >    border-before="(solid,#000000,5000)"
> >    border-end="(solid,#000000,5000)"
> >    border-start="(solid,#000000,5000)"
> >    bpd="66080" bpda="86080"
> >    ipd="66080" ipda="86080"
> >    padding-after="5000"
> >    padding-before="5000"
> >    padding-end="5000"
> >    padding-start="5000">
> >   <image bap="0 0 0 0" bpd="0" ipd="0"
> >     pos="10000 10000 46080 46080"
> >     url="../../resources/images/bgimg300dpi.jpg" />
> > </viewport>
> >
> > The viewport bpd/ipd includes the padding and border width while it
> > should only be the content width of 46080.
> >
> > Am I correct? I am happy to fix it - just would like confirmation
> > that this is actually incorrect. BTW, the generated PDF looks
> > pretty wrong to me as well.
> >
> > Manuel
> >
> > PS: Not sure how that got through the layout engine tests!
> Jeremias Maerki


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