Manuel Mall wrote:

These two paragraphs confuse me - sorry. My understanding was:

discard = start/end borders/padding only at the start and end of the whole fo:inline

retain = as discard plus start/end borders/padding on the start and end of every line the fo:inline spans.

Sorry, you are completely right, I did not understand you were referring to the "extra" borders needed around a line break.

What we need is one or more elements whose overall behaviour is this:
- they represent a space (or another legal break point)
- if they are not used as a break, they behave like a normal space (or
  like a not-used hyphenation point)
- if they are chosen as a break, they must add something both at the end
  of the line they end, and at the beginning of the next line

This is quite similar to the behaviour of the sequence of elements representing a space in a centered text (in the TextLM.getNextKnuthElements() method); so, in this case we could use:

1  glue     width = border/padding at the end of the line = A
2  penalty  width = 0, value = 0
3  glue     width = space.opt - (A + B),
            stretch = space.max - space.opt
            shrink = space.opt - space.min
4  box      width = 0
5  penalty  width = 0, value = infinity
6  glue     with = border/padding at the beginning of the line = B

- element 1 is a legal break point, but it is never chosen as 2 is better
- element 2 is a legal break point: if it is chosen, the ending line will
  reserve a width of A for border and padding, and the next line will
  reserve a width of B (the glue 3 is discarded)
- element 3 is NOT a legal break because of the preceding penalty
- element 5 is NOT a legal break because of its value
- element 6 is NOT a legal break because of the preceding penalty
- is there is no break, the overall width is A + (space.opt - (A + B)) + B
  = space.opt

In order to make all this work, the TextLM should
- know that it is working on text with non-conditional borders
- "combine" this sequence with the one it would create in a "normal"


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