On Fri, Sep 09, 2005 at 08:38:18AM +0800, Manuel Mall wrote:
> On Fri, 9 Sep 2005 07:55 am, J.Pietschmann wrote:
> > Hi devs,
> > while examining the Checkstyle and JavaDoc complaints I
> > got a few more questions about the FOP style:
> > 1. There is still quite a bit of hungarian notation here and
> >   there. Hungarian notation generally sucks unless it is
> >   consistently applied. Furthermore, it is systems hungarian
> >   (see http://www.joelonsoftware.com/articles/Wrong.html),
> >   which unconditionally sucks.
> >   And yes, we do already have an "int bFooFlag".
> >   I'd like to exterminate this.
> +1 I am with you here - allthough I am guilty as well: If I find a class 
> written in hungarian style and I have to make a modification I will 
> sick with the style of the original author. What I dislike most is 
> mixing styles as this make code IMO very difficult to read.

Hmm, if I remember FOP code uses b and i for boolean and int, and I
have added to that usage. I do not have a problem with it. It may not
add information, but I like the fact that it carries type info with
it. It certainly does not bother me.
> > 2. There are two different styles for constructors and setters
> >   in use:
> >     Constructor(int foo) {
> >       this.foo=foo
> >     }
> >   and
> >     Constructor(int f) {
> >       foo=f
> >     }
> >   We should standardize on one form. I'd like the first because
> >   the second may have the undesirable effect of using unintuitive
> >   abbreviations or alternative names for the parameter.
> >   I told Checkstyle laready to accept the first form (there are
> >   *lots* of warnings about it). Unfortunately, Checkstyle can't yet
> >   enforce it.
> Doesn't worry me too much although I prefer the style you prefer as 
> well.

That is my position as well.
> > 3. We have too much weird abbreviations everywhere. In particular,
> >   usage of abbreviations is wildly inconsistent. I'd like to
> >   remind everyone that using proper words to compose identifiers
> >   has advantages. With the autocompletion features of modern IDEs,
> >   long identifiers shouldn't impair typing too much.
> >   I'll probably expand randomly choosen names in the future, which
> >   may include class names. Tell me now if you don't like this.
> >
> That's a difficult one - I don't think there is a "right or wrong" here. 
> And yes consistency would be great (e.g. all layout manager classes 
> should be called ...LayoutManager and not some ...LM). I agree that 
> this is not really a typing issue but it is arguable at what length an 
> identifier actually gets in the way of readability, e.g. is 
> 'lineStartBorderAndPaddingWidth' preferable to 'lineStartBAP' if that 
> variable is used a lot in expressions which are then split over multi 
> lines everywhere this variable is used?
> What about a WIKI page listing commonly used abbreviations found in the 
> code base?
> So +1 for consistent class names and +1 for consistent and considered 
> use of abbreviations but please don't ban them altogether.

I feel the same way.

Regards, Simon

Simon Pepping
home page: http://www.leverkruid.nl

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