Vincent Hennebert wrote:

> > I am not sure what you mean "getPDF/PSSubset".
> If I'm correct it is only possible to embed the whole font 
> file in a pdf output, by using getPDFFontFileStream. 
> Currently aXSL doesn't seem to provide a means to embed only a subset.

OK. I understand. Yes, subsetting only works for TrueType fonts. I built a
rudimentary PostScript interpreter that is currently only used for parsing
some of the metrics out of PFA/PFB files, but which should eventually be
able to help us subset Type 1 fonts.

> > Point me to the FOP code that does the embedding, class name(s) and 
> > line numbers, and I'll see if I can extract it into an 
> aXSL-exposed method.
> The whole code is in the class, mainly 
> the method embedType1Font.

Thanks, I'll work on that.

> Sorry, it also is a bit unclear to me. I think the precise 
> status is the following:
> 1. font embedding only works with Type1 font for which a pfb 
> file is provided 
> (or also a pfa?). Subsetting --provided that this is 
> specified by the postscript 
> standard-- does not work;
> 2. currently only the WinAnsi charset seems to be supported. 
> Fonts are 
> systematically reencoded to this charset

OK, that is consistent with what Jeremias said. I understand where FOP is

> > I can take some of this burden off of you, in that I can 
> hopefully fix aXSL
> > and FOray to provide what is needed. If that is done well, 
> you shouldn't
> > need to learn too much PostScript to get it to work, and 
> perhaps one of the
> > other developers can help you get it glued in. I don't know 
> how much work it
> > will take for me to get the FOray PS Renderer working (it 
> may work now), I
> > can use that as a test bed also.
> I appreciate your offer to help! Today I quickly launched the 
> FOray PS Renderer 
> but it doesn't seem to work. I haven't investigated, though, 
> this may be a minor 
> problem.

I think you may have the honor of being the first person to ever use it :-)
I'll see if I can get it working at some basic level.

Victor Mote

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