I completely agree with Manuel.

Whereas I can feel your disagreement with some decisions for the project you have always remained nice and made valuable comments. I regret your decision to leave this list because you have often been helpful where you were not expected.

I'll be glad to continue to discuss with you on the FOray lists.


Manuel Mall a écrit :

On Wed, 14 Sep 2005 09:07 am, Victor Mote wrote:

FOP devs:

I think it is prudent for me to take this temporary lull to extricate
myself a bit more by unsubscribing from the fop-dev mailing list. I
have tried to do this several times before, with little success, as
you can see. I have no projects underway and no feuds to tend to ATM,
so it is a rare (unique really) opportunity.

personally I believe anyone who has worked on fop and has an active interest in XSL-FO can still make valuable contributions here. Even if you don't want to get involved in (further) design discussion based on events in the past I believe you still have lots to contribute. For example at the level of input to issues with the spec itself and its interpretation because of your extensive knowledge in that area.
Therefore I am very sorry to see you leave this list.

Victor Mote



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