On 16.09.2005 16:19:43 Chris Bowditch wrote:
> Luca Furini wrote:
> > Chris Bowditch wrote:
> > 
> >> Hmmm.... I hate to be the bearer of bad news. But it seems that the 
> >> change has broken text-align="right" when used on table cells. All the 
> >> regression tests pass, so I guess it working when text-align="right" 
> >> for regular blocks.
> > 
> > 
> > D'oh!
> > 
> > Could you please attach a file demonstrating this problem?
> > 
> > I have just tried a simple test with right-aligned text inside a table 
> > cell, but I don't see anything strange ...
> The example is actually a bit more convoluted than I first realised. In 
> my example there are two tables inside a block with margin-left="3mm" 
> The text in the 2nd column of the 2nd table are not correctly right 
> aligned. All the text in this example was right aligned properly before 
> you made this change.

The problem is the margin-right which establishes an end-indent. In the
first table the end-indent is reset to 0mm on the table-body. You're not
doing that in the second table. Therefore you get an inherited
end-indent of "10mm" in the second table and that's why the text isn't
properly aligned.

Remember the rule of thump for tables: if you have a start-indent or
end-indent outside of a table, remember to set start-indent="0mm" and
end-indent="0mm" on the table-header, table-footer and table-body to
reset all indents to 0mm. Otherwise, you'll be bitten by inheritance.

See also


Jeremias Maerki

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