On 18.09.2005 13:10:34 Manuel Mall wrote:
> On Fri, 16 Sep 2005 11:41 pm, Jeremias Maerki wrote:
> > I'm not a specialist on typography, yet, but the character wrapping
> > (your option a) sounds definitely like a hack. I've started reading
> > the parts in the spec about baselines and that's not a casual read.
> > But I think that at one point we need to handle baselines and all
> > these little details. I'm not a big help here but I think it would be
> > worth reading through the following sections in the spec: 4.2.6,
> > 7.8.1, 7.13. Somewhere in there all the necessary traits and their
> > handling should be hidden. They should at least get you some hints
> > how to handle the problem at hand.
> Jeremias, seems to me we are talking about two different things here.

I don't think so. I only tend to look at how to get a problem right for
good as opposed to a quick change to make things work. I see that this
was not fully appropriate here. Sorry for that.

> My 
> initial problem simply was that I needed more data in the area tree to 
> correctly draw border/padding/background for various inline fos 
> (leader, page-number, page-number-citation, character). The other, only 
> vaguely related matter, is the correct handling of all the area 
> alignment properties in layout. IMO it is only vaguely related, and 
> this may be contentious, because for rendering we only need to know 
> where to place the glyph, i.e. the x/y coordinates of its alignment 
> point. All the relative and baseline alignment stuff should have been 
> previously resolved by layout. If you go along with that argument it 
> would mean the fop area tree as exposed to the renderers will not carry 
> baseline tables or related data. Not sure if this causes an issue with 
> the plans to expose the area tree as an official external interface.

No, I don't think it would. As I said, I don't know too much about the
details involved here so I can't tell what the right approach would be.
People who would mess around with the area will need to know what
they're doing anyway. No problem if it might get a little complicated on
this level.

> So, for the time being, I have now fop internally standardised the 
> meaning of the fop specific "offset" attribute in the fop area tree as 
> meaning the distance between the before edges of the parent area and 
> the area to be rendered. I have also introduced a new attribute called 
> "baselineOffset" which gives the point on the start-edge (distance from 
> the before-edge) for the actual alignment line for all glyphs in that 
> inline area, i.e. the alignment point in bpd for all the glyphs in that 
> area will be on that line.

Sounds reasonable. Did you find anything in the spec what exactly the
suggested set of trait is?

> This seems to have worked well so far and introduced quite a bit of 
> consistency in the handling of offsets and basic vertical alignment for 
> all our inline areas. There is an assumption behind this that all 
> glyphs in an inline area have the same nominal alignment line. This is 
> certainly true in the moment and I am not aware of a font where 
> different glyphs have different nominal alignment lines (but there 
> probably is for fonts mixing Western and non Western glyphs). And even 
> if so, our font interface (nor FOray's i/f I assume) does not expose 
> this sort of detail. 
> If the two attributes (offset and baselineOffset) are enough in the fop 
> area tree to cover vertical writing modes I am not sure about - this is 
> "for further study".
> Hope this makes sense

Sounds completely reasonable to me.
> >
> > On 16.09.2005 15:50:50 Manuel Mall wrote:
> > > Still waiting for some feedback here from others. I am reluctant to
> > > change the interface to the renderers without other committers
> > > agreeing because such a change affects every renderer out there. On
> > > the other hand it feels a bit like a kludge to treat/represent
> > > <fo:character ... character="x" /> as <fo:inline ...>x</fo:inline>.
> > > There are also some subtleties in the handling of some properties
> > > which are interpreted differently when specified on a fo:character
> > > to a fo:inline.
> > >
> > > Manuel
> > >
> > > On Fri, 16 Sep 2005 03:31 pm, Manuel Mall wrote:
> > > > On Fri, 16 Sep 2005 02:58 pm, Finn Bock wrote:
> > > > > [Manuel]
> > > > >
> > > > > > I am currently looking at adding the missing background and
> > > > > > border/padding support to fo:character and have run into a
> > > > > > co-ordinate system issue. In fop text areas and character
> > > > > > areas are positioned in the bpd direction using the "offset"
> > > > > > attribute which refers to the character baseline position.
> > > > > > However, border/padding and backgrounds are positioned
> > > > > > everywhere relative to the top left (or should I say
> > > > > > before/start) corner of the area rectangle. However, in the
> > > > > > renderer based on the area traits (for a text or character
> > > > > > area) I cannot easily determine the before edge position of
> > > > > > the rectangle based on the baseline offset unless I go to the
> > > > > > font and ask for its ascender size etc.. But that is really
> > > > > > stuff for the layout system.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > I see two options:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > a) We can wrap the character area into an inlineParent area
> > > > > > and put the background/border/padding for the character on
> > > > > > the inlineParent. b) We add another attribute to the generic
> > > > > > fop area being the baseline offset called "lead". The meaning
> > > > > > of the attributes is then that "offset" refers to the
> > > > > > distance between the before edge of the parent area to the
> > > > > > before edge of the area to be rendered and "lead" is the
> > > > > > distance from the before edge to the baseline for character
> > > > > > placement.
> > > > >
> > > > > Perhaps I misunderstand, but I think it would be better if we
> > > > > defined an dominant-baseline on the inlines (or even better
> > > > > dominant-baseline-identifier on inline and
> > > > > actual-baseline-table on the fonts) and a baseline-start-point
> > > > > on the linearea. The semantics of these traits are as described
> > > > > in [4.2.6] and [4.5].
> > > >
> > > > Finn, you understood me correctly and your suggestions to align
> > > > our naming with the spec make sense.
> > > >
> > > > However, the fop area tree is really an interface to the fop
> > > > renderers and not an exact implementation of the XSl-FO area
> > > > tree. For example at the moment it seems layout is assumed to
> > > > take care of all the baseline calculations and the renderers are
> > > > only told the position of THE baseline for the glyphs of the font
> > > > they are suppose to render. There seems to be no need for the
> > > > renderers to be aware of different baselines, baseline tables,
> > > > etc. as layout resolved all that into a single vertical (I am
> > > > still thinking in terms of lr-tb scripts) position for each
> > > > sequence of characters to be rendered.
> > > >
> > > > So we may have to introduce the concepts you suggest like
> > > > actual-baseline-table, dominant-baseline, ... to the fop Layout
> > > > Managers so they can do their job properly with respect to all
> > > > this baseline stuff but I am not so sure we need it in the area
> > > > tree (= interface to the renderers).
> > > >
> > > > > Together with bpd, I think that would be enough to find the
> > > > > rest of the different rectangles.
> > > > >
> > > > > I guess it is the same as your suggestion b), but I would
> > > > > rather stick with the terms used in the spec.
> > > > >
> > > > > regards,
> > > > > finn
> > > >
> > > > Cheers
> > > > Manuel
> >
> > Jeremias Maerki
> Cheers
> Manuel

Jeremias Maerki

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