I've just committed the FOP Trunk documentation. I hope I got more or
less everything. I'm sure there are a few details and typos in there.
Reviewers please fix the things you find directly. I'm going to publish
the website tomorrow.

Sorry if I haven't been very responsive to everything the last few days.
I wanted to get this off my table. I originally hoped I could push the
release this week, but it'll have to wait. Next week, I'll be away but I
might have enough time during that week to do a few things off-line. The
biggest issue I currently see is the showstopper (ArrayIndexOutOfBounds)
in table layout. I keep stumbling over that one so it seems this has to
be fixed.

I'll update the release plan tomorrow so we see where we stand.

Good night :-)
Jeremias Maerki

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