I noticed 0.90 and the request for feedback.

Just a small nugget of point feedback:

For my own usage, FOP's applicability and usefulness will not change from that of 0.20.5 until auto table layout is implemented.

I note that in the 0.90 release notes that it is not yet implemented, unfortunately.

I assume that the FOP developers made great strides in many areas since 0.20.5, but the lack of auto table layout kills general relational data set output single-handedly. By "general", I mean use of a single XSLT to generate appropriate XSL FO for a given type of tabular output. By "given type of tabular output", I do not mean that a different XSLT should be used depending on how many columns are in the resulting table -- rather the same XSLT is used irrespective of number of columns unless the look-and-feel or functionality (e.g. a summation line should be added) of the table should change.

Decimal separator-based tab stops would also be nice in this same use case, but the critical need is automatic table layout.

Jess Holle

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