Hello all,

some time ago my colleague announced that we are working on MathML
implementation for FOP. Our work is based on the JEuclid library.
Now we completed code review to comply with ASF code requirements.

Our results are available from CVS at
:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot/jeuclid

Among MathML feature we made several additional features for
fop-0.20.4. These features are also included into test/first-demo and
consists of
- to embed PDF's;
- to have bold, italic styles for TTF Unicode fonts (namely Arial
Unicode MS).

Now we are thinking of integrating these features into fop-trunk.

Please, have a look whether our results is satisfactory to become part
of fop or xmlgraphics at ASF. Any of the comments are welcome.

There  are also several issues, that we would like to ask here to make
resolve them in general way:

1.  How  to configure font to render MathML. Most of the font does not
contain  enough  mathematical  symbols  to render complex mathematical
formulas.  At  the  moment we have constant pointing to "Arial Unicode
MS"  (as mostly completed Unicode font). We were tried to make support
of another font but stop this activity after finding out that (in this
font  "Integral" symbol is missing but "Top Half Integral" and "Bottom
Half  Integral" are present). We need an idea how we could handle such
situations in a general way.

2.  When  rendering  MathML  we  used  awt.Font  class,  which  is not
accessible  on the Unix boxes without X-server installed. The awt.Font
class  is  used  to get font size for proper position of the upper and
lower  indexes  and  so on. Are there any chance, that we could re-use
Fop generated metrics? Where we could start look at that?

Taking  into  consideration  these to issues, I guess, that JEuclid is
still  to  young, however, it is already powerful enough to start look
at it.

Best regards,
 Gennadiy Tsarenkov

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