As promised, I've done a braindump [1] to the Wiki on the topic. If
anyone wants to take it from here, please do. I'll help where I can but
as I said, I can't allocate a lot of time for that right now.


On 08.12.2005 17:50:54 Jeremias Maerki wrote:
> Thanks a lot, Craeg. Maybe I should take some time during the weekend
> and write down my ideas on auto table layout on the Wiki [1]. Maybe with
> such an initial spark someone might finally sit down and take it on. I
> can imagine the layout engine might look daunting at first. With a few
> notes this might not look so scary anymore.
> BTW, you can add and change pages in the Wiki, too. You just have to
> register. It's a great tool when users want to help users, i.e. if
> someone would write down his tricks on working around the missing auto
> table layout. When there's some good and stable content on the Wiki, we
> can even take that over into the main FOP website.
> [1]
> On 08.12.2005 17:32:34 Craeg Strong wrote:
> > Hello:
> > 
> > Here is some more feedback from a long time FOP user.
> > 
> > I am ABSOLUTELY THRILLED by the new release.
> > I have used it to create a number of PDF documents from Docbook/XML sources
> > and the results are excellent!    Thanks a million for this.
> > 
> > While I don't agree that lack of automated table layout is a deal breaker,
> > I do agree that it is probably the *most* *important* feature yet to be 
> > implemented,
> > especially for new users.
> > 
> > Since the auto table layout handling is based on the rules for CSS (and 
> > says so in the spec),
> > it seems a shame there isn't a reusable library somewhere for this. 
> > 
> > Since  lack of auto-table layout is a FAQ,  (or FEC frequently expressed 
> > complaint?)
> > it might be a good idea to post some XSLT workarounds.    For example, 
> > you might
> > simply divide the available space by the number of columns, or you might 
> > somehow
> > grab the longest string, multiply times the m-width, and use that, or...
> > 
> > Obviously it gets very complicated, which is why it isn't implemented 
> > yet :-) but I suspect
> > several people like myself have written various workarounds in XSLT 
> > which could be
> > posted on a wiki page or in a FAQ somewhere.  Just a thought...
> > 
> > Regards,
> > 
> > --Craeg
> Jeremias Maerki

Jeremias Maerki

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