Having just added reflection code to make my code work with 0.20.5 and 0.91 beta, I'd like to see the existing Fop() constructor continue to work as per 0.91 beta.

Overall having to use reflection to maintain use of the current stable while being ready for the future is at once understandable and obnoxious. The simpler the new API is for simple cases (I'm *not* re-using anything from one execution to the next due to the infrequency of the calls, etc) and the sooner it stabilizes for these, the better. I had kind of assumed that "beta" meant "API is stable for simple cases" :-)

Jess Holle

Jeremias Maerki wrote:
As part of my upcoming optimization work I want to finalize the FOP API.
I've written down a proposal in the Wiki:

If possible, I'd like to have that finished by the end of the week.
Please post your feedback ASAP.

Jeremias Maerki

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