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On 11.03.2006 01:38:20 Max Berger wrote:
> Dear fop developers,
> One of the things I would like to see in fop is proper color management. Of
> course, just wanting it is not enough, so I would even create a patch for that
> :). I do have some extra time this weekend and next week. To coordinate and 
> get
> my idea reviewed here's my plan:
> Color is currently handled very inconsistently in many places. In some cases 
> it
> is handled as r/g/b values in an int[], in others a class, sometimes with or
> without colorspace information. There is duplicated code in many places.

Correct. That's less than suboptimal.

> What I would like to do:
> - Replace ALL occurences of color values with a common color class. I would
> suggest java.awt.Color and java.awt.color.Colorspace. They have proper 
> support.

I don't know much about color handling but that sounds like a good plan.
Be sure to rely on infrastructure available on JDK 1.3.1 so we don't run
into any problems.

> - Convert that color to the target space no earlier than the output renderer


> The default target color space is probably sRBG for most screen display 
> devices.
> For PDF it is a little more complicated. Ideally there would be some kind of
> PDF-mode option, with possible values of PDF/A-1a, Pdf (print), PDF (screen),
> PDF (print B/W), PDF (print Grayscale), ... .For now, using CMYK for PDF 
> should
> be sufficient.

I disagree. sRGB should remain the default. Switching to CMYK would
change the generated PDFs and may cause confused users. Enabling CMYK
should be on demand.

For PostScript and Java2D renderers, sRGB will be sufficient.

> Once color is properly used it should be no problem to implement the rgb-cc()
> and colorspace() functions.
> Quenstions? Comments?

Jeremias Maerki

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