I'm a little confused on the subversion FOP vs. the binary download.
- The .92 beta binary uses 'FopFactory' to create a Fop instance (which I can't get to work anyway, which is why I tried the subversion)
- The subversion uses the 'new Fop' object constructor (no FopFactory)
- The .92 beta binary includes one jar file in the build directory
- The subversion includes 5 (after built)
Can some one please clarify if they know why these are different.  I thought the binary was just a snapshot of the subversion.
I would like to use the beta release, but I can't get it working because calling FopFactory.newInstance() gets a noClassDef error (I'm assuming because a dependancy is missing), the subversion stuff works but I kinda wonder why I need all the extra jar files (fop-transcoder-allinone.jar, fop-sandbox.jar, fop-hyph.jar, fop-transcoder.jar) ... without them fop will not work.  Plus, I want to be prepared for the final release.
Thanks in advance for any help.

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