Jeremias Maerki a écrit :

On 23.04.2006 16:34:46 Pierre-Henri Kraus wrote:
Thank you for your feedback, I'm sorry for that bug but I actually thought addAreas() was called only once. So as an example, if an element spans on two pages, we're going to have "page x of 3" instead of "page x of 4" or is it worse (blank number) ?

No, the former. It simply display the first page on which the formatting
object is displayed.

I'll do the correction a little bit later because I have to advance on another part (I have to last 10 minutes in a presentation :) ) and i suppose that bug can be "hacked" with some tricks from the end-user.

Hmm, I don't think I like the sound of that. How do you imagine that the
end-user can help here?

Concerning the auto properties of the table layout, I've contacted Paul and I'll leave it to him for the Google project.
I was considering doing before-floats if it's ok for you and the team.

Well, same problem here. Vincent Hennebert thinks about doing
before-floats as part of SoC.

How about doing the collapsing border model? Or at least the reduced
version of it? That shouldn't bite the auto table layout much and is
probably challenging enough and, most of all, very welcome. Of the three
topics discussed here, the collapsing border model is the one task I'm
personally most interested in having in FOP.

Jeremias Maerki
Sorry, when I said "hacked", I thought about making sure that none of your elements spans on two pages, I gotta admit that idea was somewhat stupid :D About the collapsing border model, it sounds interesting, but so far the only specification I found of it is the one of the CSS, is it the same ? ( )
And what do you mean by the "reduced version" ?

Pierre-Henri Kraus

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