Hi fop folks,

Thanks for your interest in the Cocoon GetTogether.
I'd love to welcome you in Amsterdam! Also, please, feel free to join our 
Hackaton; the more bright spirits together the better.
I'm forwarding you the "Call for IDEAS" note that I sent to the Cocoon-dev, 
user, Lenya, Forrest and Daisy lists. The message is very Cocoon-minded, but 
please read it as if it's a good old "xml(graphics).apache.org" GetTogether ;) 
. If you feel like attending and wish to organize some sessions, I'll be happy 
to make it a broader conference and include FOP. Your project is great and if 
we can leverage your development efforts by giving you a spot, I'd be happy to 
do so!



Kind regards,

Arjé Cahn


Oosteinde 11
1017WT Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Tel  +31 (0)20 5224466


We need your ideas! What would YOU like to see at this year's Cocoon 

This year's Cocoon conference will be held again in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 
from Monday, October 2nd, until Wednesday, October 4th. Faster and funkier than 

The GetTogether event runs as a series of presentations on different aspects of 
Apache Cocoon. Several short tracks will give you insight on all aspects of 
Cocoon, from generator to serializer and from CForms to AJAX, packed with with 
real success stories and best practices. There's plenty of time for interaction 
and probing questions. Whether you're a Cocoon developer or user, either 
expert, beginner, or only curious, this event is for you. Want to know more 
about the technology and the people behind it? Come join us at this year's 
Cocoon GetTogether in Amsterdam!

But first, we'd like to hear everyone's ideas on WHAT you would really, 
*really* like to see:

* Which parts of Cocoon would you like to see demonstrated?
* Which bits of code would you like to see projected on a huge screen in big,
  *big* letters, with the author right next to it, explaining you exactly how 
and *why*
  he wrote it like that?
* Which parts of Cocoon do you find utterly complicated and would you like to 
get some help with?
* What would you like your boss to get demonstrated? (convince him to use 
Cocoon :-) )
* ...maybe you've got some Cocoon wizardry yourself to share at the Lightning 
Lottery Talks?

Everyone is free to send in a list of subjects for which he or she would travel 
all the way to Amsterdam.
There's no program yet. This year's program is up to YOU - so send in those 

Here's a couple of them to get you started:

- Success stories (why someone chose Cocoon, for what, what was great and what 
- Comparison of Cocoon with other web frameworks
- Why should I upgrade to 2.2?
- Some howto's / best practices for
    - Configuration
    - Using Spring
    - Building Cocoon
- 10 Reasons to use Cocoon
- A "What's new in 2.2 and how to use it track" with different topics, 5 to 
10min per topic.
- What's up for Cocoon 3.0?
- The Funky Cocoon AJAX tour (with lots of samples!)
- A short (!!) introduction to OSGi (what's all that fuzz about?!)
- Practical case studies, where people show how they are using Cocoon, the 
  architecture of their apps, what they're integrating Cocoon with, what makes 
their app
  unique, etc. We could to 20+10 (20 minutes prez, 10 minutes questions) slots 
for this,
  and have at least 4 or 6 of them during the day.

We're all using Cocoon in wildly different ways, which is one of its major 
strengths - let's show this at this year's GetTogether!
Please add your thoughts!


Kind regards,

Arjé Cahn


Oosteinde 11
1017WT Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Tel  +31 (0)20 5224466

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