On Tue, Sep 12, 2006 at 09:37:20PM +0200, Jeremias Maerki wrote:
> On 12.09.2006 21:13:35 Simon Pepping wrote:
> > Re extensibility: A XML file is validated according to the DTD or
> > schema that it declares (Relax-NG is an exception). The user can put a
> > DTD or schema of his own choice in the user configuration file:
> > 
> > <!DOCTYPE fop
> >   PUBLIC '-//MYSELF//DTD My FOP Configuration XML V1.0//EN'
> >              'http://myserver.mydomain.eu/fop-configuration.dtd'>
> > 
> > and the parser will validate against it. This means that a user can
> > extend the configuration file at will, and that FOP cannot be assured
> > that the config file is valid. Embedded users can always avoid
> > validation.
> Yes, but you already assume a non-novice user. If our goal is to have
> less problems, fewer support requests because of configuration errors,
> we have to do it fool-proof. You can't rely on everyone putting the DTD
> or XSD on top of the configuration file. The first time the XML doesn't
> validate, people remove the schema reference.

This sounds like you want to catch user errors in any case. That would
be a custom program that applies heuristics based on knowledge of
common user errors. For example,

'Do you mean to configure font XXX? I found a font configuration
element in a position where FOP will not pick it up.'

Class UserConfigDoctor.

A possibility besides Java is to do it in XSLT, in the manner of
Schematron. Write templates for known suspect XPaths in the file, such
as all font elements not in /*/renderers/renderer/fonts.

Regards, Simon

Simon Pepping
home page: http://www.leverkruid.eu

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