Hi Jeremias and everyone,

I did the presentation on Apache FOP Thursday morning. All went well, I had about 20 people in a regular size room. People were interested in the presentation overall, but what they were most interested in is the entire tool chain from XML to PDF. When I showed them an example of some work I have done using Docbook XML and output it in customized XHTML and PDF there eyes widened. That really spiked their interest !

Little anecdote, I highly recommended Definitive XSL-FO and a person actually bought it online during the presentation. Wow !

I've seen Carsten Ziegeler from Cocoon, and met with Ferdinand Soethe from the Apache Forrest project.

I found ApacheCon to be very well organized in general. The weather here in Austin is great. I'll be heading back to Montreal this afternoon.

Regards to all,

Patrick Paul

Jeremias Maerki wrote:

how did the FOP talk go? Anyone else at ApacheCon right now?

Jeremias Maerki
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  • ApacheCon US Jeremias Maerki
    • Re: ApacheCon US Patrick Paul

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