I was just looking at some inline handling stuff and came across the 
inheritance behaviour of the text-decoration property. text-decoration 
is not an inherited property but has some 'inheritance' like behaviour 
(see spec (1.1) section 7.17.4 (7.16.4 if using 1.0 spec)). I am now 
wondering if we do this right:

1) ...<fo:inline text-decoration="underline">some text <fo:inline 
color="red"> red text </fo:inline> more text </fo:inline> ...

Should 'red text' be underlined or not? We currently do underline the 
text but I interpret the spec that we should not. Only text-decoration 
applied to a block level element propagates to nested inlines. 
text-decoration applied to an inline does not propagate.

2) ...<fo:block text-decoration="underline">some text <fo:block 
color="red"> red text </fo:block> more text </fo:block> ...

Same question: Should 'red text' be underlined or not? We currently do 
underline the text but I interpret the spec that we should not. 
text-decoration applied to a block level element propagates to nested 
inlines only not to nested blocks.

Most likely I am misreading the spec but I am still curious how others 
interpret this aspect.


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