Luca Furini a écrit :
> I agree that, in a sense, the "error" is in the fo file, defining a
> fixed-height footnote separator that does not fit well the page; with an
> heigth of 12 pt, all would be ok. In alternative, it could be defined
> using a min-opt-max line height or space-*, allowing for some stretch
> and shrink (not sure this would be handled correctly at the moment, but
> this is not the point).

I've had a quick look, that's not handled currently. At some place in
the code the space-before set on the separator is converted into a
MinOptMax(opt, opt, opt).
Anyway, even if defining some elastic height for the separator would
certainly help improve the situation, that's not something we can expect
from users.

> But I don't agree with you when you say "that makes a feasible node
> which is always preferred to too-short nodes". I'm not at all convinced
> that it is a "feasible" break. Even if the FO recommendation says that
> the footnote body could be placed in a page following the one with the
> anchor, I think it should be read in a "restrictive" interpretation,
> deferring a footnote only if there isn't any possible alternative.

Actually I was describing the algorithm's behavior, and I agree with you
that this is not at all desirable.

> In this case, it is possible to place the footnote in the same page that
> contains its citation, so I think that the algorithm should not be
> allowed to prefer a break that defers it. Note [:-)] that the footnote
> could appear after *many* pages, if there are lots of 12pt-high lines of
> normal text.

Hmmm, that's not wrong ;-)

> In this respect, from a user perspective, footnotes and before floats
> are quite different: while it's completely acceptable for a figure or a
> table to be placed in a page following the text referring to it, I'm
> sure most users would be quite disappointed to find out that a footnote
> has been unnecessarily deferred.
> So, while I think the idea of the page fill ratio is very good for the
> placement of before floats, I think footnotes should have a different
> handling, a "preferential treatment" limiting deferments to the
> extremely unlikely case of an unbreakable group of lines with a lot of
> footnotes, a few of which does not fit in the page (or some other
> extreme situations).
>> The actual problem IMO is to define the right demerits for underfull
>> pages and deferred before-floats and footnotes in order to have a decent
>> result (i.e., that a human would expect) in every case.
> I don't think it would be enough: the "expected" break (the one with
> both footnotes on page 1) is a "short" solution and is not recorded, it
> just updates lastTooShort. As long as there is not a restart (and having
> just 12pt-high lines it will never happen), it doesn't have a chance to
> be used.
> I think that, after all, this could be fixed just by checking some
> additional condition before calling handleNode() the first time (when
> footnotes and before floats are not not taken into account).

Not sure it's that simple. Is a page containing only two lines of normal
text with no deferred footnote more desirable than a full page with a
deferred footnote? I think that might disturb the reader as well. That's
why I got the idea of a minimum fill ratio. But obviously, as this is
currently implemented that's not enough. I'll think more about it.


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