On Mar 23, 2007, at 11:22, Vincent Hennebert wrote:

Thanks for your perseverance ;-)

You're welcome. :o)

<snip />
If the nearest ancestor ref-area is not immediately visible, then I
think this implies that the fixed-area's position is definitely not
relative to the viewport you refer to, but to another nested viewport.

Then which one? If there is no block-container in the flow, then the
only viewport area is the region-body. And my question remains...

OK, take the region-body as an example, with overflowing content and a fixed-positioned block-container that is a descendant of a block that initially falls outside the region-viewport, and thus is not immediately visible. Same as an absolute-positioned block-container, it will appear at a certain position in the region-viewport-area (regardless of where it was specified, or whether the containing block is visible or not).

For our current output-targets, the story ends here, because there is no scrolling. Note that an absolute-positioned block-container will always appear, even if the containing block ends up on a part that is clipped (never visible).

OTOH, if the fixed-positioned block-container is enclosed by a regular one, then its initial visibility depends on the initial visibility of the regular block-container, precisely because the regular block-container establishes a new viewport/reference-area pair. The fixed-positioned one will appear as a static part in that new viewport once it becomes visible.

<snip />
As the idea is probably to mimic the "absolute" and "fixed" value for "position" in CSS2, I think the description of "fixed" should not refer
to the one of "absolute" for placing areas. They should have written
something like "These properties specify offsets with respect to the
page's viewport area".

The term "page" seems too narrow here. Your suggestion would only cover the case of absolute- or fixed-positioned areas whose nearest ancestor
ref-area is the page-area.

No, what I was saying is that the position would be computed WRT to the
ancestor page-area (more precisely, the region-reference-area) instead
of the nearest ancestor ref-area, whatever it is.

Why? I think that would actually make it more difficult than it is now, since a nested block-container would then also need to get at the containing page, whereas now it is enough to stop at the first block-container that establishes the reference area.



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