Hi Adrian

On 02.04.2007 11:05:03 Adrian Cumiskey wrote:
> I am working on the postscript renderer and have a query about 
> org.apache.fop.render.Renderer#void startPageSequence(LineArea title). 
> Its seems a bit wrong to me that this method is invoked with just the 
> title of the PageSequence being passed to it, surely it would be better 
> to pass the PageSequence itself (which contains the title).  I would 
> think that the PageSequence object itself would be much more useful to 
> the renderer.  Am I missing something?  Is there a good reason which I 
> have missed as to why it is implemented in this way?

I think the reason for that is that there are simply no other important
things on the PageSequence besides the title. PageSequence.getPageCount
() may not be a reliable source of information during rendering as a
page-sequence can be started without knowing how many pages there will
be in the end. And getPageCount() is really the only thing besides the
title on the PageSequence.

On 03.04.2007 18:25:15 Adrian Cumiskey wrote:
> I have had a good look through the code, changed the interface in my 
> sandbox and I can find no reason why
> org.apache.fop.render.Renderer#void startPageSequence(LineArea title)
> shouldn't instead be
> org.apache.fop.render.Renderer#void 
> startPageSequence(org.apache.fop.area.PageSequence pageSeq).
> Of course this would mean a change in a low level interface but would be 
> a trivial change for all our renderers.

"our" renderers, yes. You also need to consider custom renderer
developed outside of FOP. If you implement the other method, you can
simply call the old one and you have a compatible change. But see below...

> The reason why this is important is that the implementing renderer may 
> need to do some initial preparation work before page processing (e.g. in 
> my case the postscript renderer may want to access some extensions that 
> have been defined as children of the simple page master prior to 
> processing the individual pages in its sequence).  I don't think I'm 
> missing something here.. 

I don't understand the motivation here. The simple page master is
something that changes from page to page. I'd like to know why you want
to access something from a page-master in the context of a page-sequence.
If you had an extension element for PostScript as direct child of
page-sequence, then I'd understand.

> Speak now or forever hold your peace :-)

This is not very helpful, despite the smiley. Besides, things change.
Your post is the best example of that. Well, maybe I'm missing a joke
not being native English speaking.

Jeremias Maerki

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