
I would love to have Bug 42785 ( patch to support baseline-shift ) applied before the release, because then I could release a new plugin for the new version. I've read your comment, and I will check with the spec which options I have to improve the patch, however this will take a little while, and I will hopefully be able to do it latest by this weekend. What timeline for the release do you have in mind?

Max Berger

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Am 05.07.2007 um 09:39 schrieb Vincent Hennebert:

Hi guys,

Title says it all. FOP 0.93 was released the 9th of January. I think
it's time to release the next version, as many bugs have been corrected
and many exciting new features added.

Anyone against a new release?

I'd volunteer to deal with all the release process... unless someone
volunteers even more! However, I would gladly accept any help regarding
updating the documentation.


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