Thanks Andreas,

I got a brief and vague response on the users group that left me wanting more information. Whether or not I could contribute to a potential solution, and that is a possibility, would depend on whether the work involved would be major or minor. So I am trying to get some sense.

I would imagine that support for additional fonts beyond the Base14 would be pretty fundamental to PDF formatting and therefore if it isn't fully implemented there must be a pretty good reason. But if there is not much that needs to be done and it's just waiting for someone with some motivation to do it, that would be interesting to know.

Loran Kary

On Jul 12, 2007, at 11:24 AM, Andreas L Delmelle wrote:

On Jul 12, 2007, at 20:12, Loran Kary wrote:


Perhaps I am posting this question on the wrong list or perhaps my question has been asked and answered before.

The latter, in a way...
You asked the same question on fop-users a couple of days ago, where the response was that FOP currently does not yet support this feature.

On the other hand, if you re-posted on fop-dev because you are interested in contributing to a potential solution, then you are in the right place.

Personally, I have not enough insight in the related parts of the FOP-code and the PDF-spec to help you with that, but I'm definitely hoping someone could chime in soon to offer a few ideas on how this can be solved. Just don't forget that it's holiday season in the northern hemisphere. It may take a few days for the right person to pick up...



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