On Jul 7, 2008, at 15:22, Jeremias Maerki wrote:

I know I'm late on this one but I've only just stumbled over it while
playing with the AFP renderer in the GOCA branch. This change is very
dangerous as it essentially breaks every FOP extension that uses
character content, especially those not developed inside the FOP project.
I'm lucky it doesn't (shouldn't) break Barcode4J but I would strongly
suggest to revert this interface change especially since the method
signature doesn't change while the semantics do.

I'd rather keep it the other way around, like it is now. It's much less confusing if the same parameters are used as in the SAX characters() event.

If this breaks external code, then my apologies (it even broke some internal classes too, but those issues didn't show when running the test-suite; Max discovered them).

Still -1 for reverting.



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