On 14.07.2008 11:20:09 Chris Bowditch wrote:
> Chris Bowditch wrote:
> <snip/>
> > I understand that is what happens behind the scenes, but IMO it is 
> > meaningless to the average user. I think it makes sense to change the 
> > message to:
> > 
> > "table too wide for available page width"
> > 
> > or similar. Then the user knows what they have to adjust in their FO.
> Rather than just moaning about a poor message I decided to fix it. I've 
> made a change locally, but I'm not 100% certain about the exact wording. 
> I've currently got:
> {elementName} {{locator}} overflows available space in 
> inline-progression-dimension

How about:
An fo:table is wider than the available room in
inline-progression-dimension. Adjusting end-indent based on
overconstrained geometry rules (XSL 1.1, ch. 5.3.4)

I'd like to have the hint about overconstrained geometry in there
because this condition is not strictly an overflow. It's just a
conflict of values which is resolved based on rules in the spec. It's
also just a warning, not an error.

> I'm not 100% certain if this message always applies to IPD. I would 
> appreciate it if one of the other devs could confirm?

It's always about IPD, yes.

> Thanks,
> Chris

Jeremias Maerki

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