On 25.11.2008 09:28:18 Jeremias Maerki wrote:
> On 24.11.2008 16:11:00 Adrian Cumiskey wrote:
> > Hi Chris (and all),
> > 
> > Chris Bowditch wrote:
> > 
> > > Adrian,
> > > 
> > > you've put a lot of work into the GOCA branch and it has some great 
> > > features, but....
> > > 
> > > There's one thing I don't like, which Jeremias points out in this thread:
> > > 
> > > http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/xmlgraphics-fop-dev/200811.mbox/[EMAIL
> > >  PROTECTED] 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > We currently use the PDF plugin in our software and I prefer not to 
> > > upgrade the plugin without knowing what the justification the interface 
> > > change is?
> > 
> > Providing support for native image embedding in AFP involves providing the 
> > image data (in whatever 
> > form it may be) without any requirement for any image specific processing.  
> > So there is one handler 
> > which takes care of this in AFP, and this handler needs to declare itself 
> > able to support the 
> > handling of more than one image class.  This use case was probably not 
> > envisaged when the 
> > PDFImageHandler interface was first introduced.  Hope this explanation 
> > helps :).
> Let's look at that. There are:
> AFPImageHandlerRawCCITTFax handling ImageRawCCITTFax.class, priority 400
> AFPImageHandlerRawStream handling ImageRawJPEG.class, ImageRawCCITTFax.class, 
> ImageRawEPS.class, priority 100
> AFPImageHandlerRenderedImage handling ImageBuffered.class, 
> ImageRendered.class, priority 300
> ImageBuffered is also a ImageRendered, so reporting the handling of
> ImageBuffered is unnecessary.
> ImageRawJPEG, ImageRawCCITTFax and ImageRawEPS all derive from
> ImageRawStream. Just reporting that class as supported class would have
> been enough. The ImageFlavors are there to indicate what formats are
> supported.
> Essentially, that means that the interface change was unnecessary. And
> is the AFPImageHandlerRawCCITTFax even used? It has a lower priority
> than AFPImageHandlerRawStream.
> So it seems that actually offers up an additional opportunity to resolve
> the whole problem. A shame I haven't taken a closer look earlier. I
> volunteer to revert the interface change and to change the plug-ins here
> so they still work as envisioned. That minimizes the regression testing
> necessary. After that, I'll vote +1 for the merge.

I have locally changed "Class[] getSupportedClasses()" to
"getSupportedClass()" and everything seems to work as before. The only
thing I noticed is still AFPImageHandlerRawCCITTFax used because if
reports support for ImageRawCCITTFax.class and is therefore picked
before the more generic raw stream handler. I tried removing the CCITT
handler but then get a fatal error in AFP Worbench whereas I get an
empty space but no error message when the CCITT handler is active. I
assume AFP Workbench doesn't support CCITT images. Unfortunately, I have
no AFP printer to test with. I assume it would be best to remove the
CCITT flavor from the raw stream handler. Adrian, if you can confirm my
assumptions here, I can commit my changes and we've got one problem

Jeremias Maerki

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